Yeah no I'm sorry but it's part of the overall picture. That whole song is resentful in hindsight. And he's just used that slow cooked hatred to rip Drake's head off. I'm not making any 'excuses', just making an isolated point
If you're a fan of Kendrick it's obv even back then he saw Drake as representing everything he hated about the industry.
youll never win an argument with an ovhoe ignore dem pham
stfu. I'm a fan of both and was making an isolated point, not 'making excuses'. And if that verse is irrelevant to this then so is the control verse which released like a year later. See how f***ing dumb that sounds though?
Drake never does anything questionable or bad, everyone else is the problem
Drake's a piece of s***. Some of you just can't be objective
That Drake Stan on page 1 really used a predictable d*** riding response to defend his fav singer
Drake's a piece of s***. Some of you just can't be objective
yeah, saying a millionaire is jealous of another millionaire reeks of objectivity
It is when you take into account the fact that most people, especially in rap, don’t like to listen to things everyone else listens to, or wanna stand out with their music taste
Especially considering the way Drake fans are lame as hell, or considered “basic”. He’s been the number one selling rapper for over a decade and a half now
Same s*** happened to lil Wayne
Trust me if it was up to public opinion whether he won or lost he would’ve lost
Drake made the best songs of this beef, had the best bars of the beef, had the best rebuttals. Kendrick let the weight of his allegations do most of the talking, he can rap much much better than he did this beef.
There are no knockouts or judges in rap beef. It’s all about who Twitter sides with.
Therein lies the contradiction, when you say there are no judges right after you bring up public opinion and before you mention Twitter
If public opinion is seemingly always goin to "side against" Drake, then why does everyone universally acknowledge that he killed Meek?
yeah, saying a millionaire is jealous of another millionaire reeks of objectivity
You're either trolling or you don't actually read these artists lyrics...
You're either trolling or you don't actually read these artists lyrics...
im sure you read the lyrics with no implicit bias in mind, mr istheremore
have a lovely day
I don’t get it kanye is most controversial person to work with, and people seem some how still work with him. Drake on other hand seem like a normal but everyone have problems with him behind scenes. I feel like everyone rather work with a Nazi than Drake base on the information.
cause Kanye is about the art form, that's what happens lol
im sure you read the lyrics with no implicit bias in mind, mr istheremore
have a lovely day
Kendrick said he was jealous, how else am I supposed to interpret that
Have a good day bro
stfu. I'm a fan of both and was making an isolated point, not 'making excuses'. And if that verse is irrelevant to this then so is the control verse which released like a year later. See how f***ing dumb that sounds though?
ngl I aint even read the pretext if I even sense a drake rider I turn into captain save a nigga from wasting his time
hold this apology pham
ngl I aint even read the pretext if I even sense a drake rider I turn into captain save a nigga from wasting his time
hold this apology pham
in Jesus name, Amen.
ngl I aint even read the pretext if I even sense a drake rider I turn into captain save a nigga from wasting his time
hold this apology pham
It's cool. I'll save these conversations for when the stan war has cooled down a bit
cause Kanye is about the art form, that's what happens lol
Kanye really dont bother nobody tbh. Like he might have bad beliefs now but he isnt gonna do weird s*** to you behind the scenes besides maybe wasting your time by cutting verses/songs but thats how music is.
Before this beef Kendrick didn’t have any wife beating allegations
Before this beef Drake did have pedo allegations
Drake didn’t have ghost writing allegations before the meek beef, and it’s not like Drake revealed anything significant against meek besides making a hit song roasting him. Guess Meek won, huh?
i love coming into a thread and niggas don't even KNOW what they're arguing about. can't even follow their own conversation, just getting s*** off
When most if not all the hate seems to come from either jealously of his success or the fact he f***ed their favorite girls its pretty valid. Also needing like 10 A list artists/rappers/producers to beat 1 man is pretty sad
Drake really is 2018 bron when you think about it
Drake didn’t have ghost writing allegations before the meek beef, and it’s not like Drake revealed anything significant against meek besides making a hit song roasting him. Guess Meek won, huh?
Drake won that beef because the public agreed that he did
Just like the public has agreed Kendrick won this beef
I think that’s a perfect excuse if it were really the case
It’s not actually the case though
I don’t get it kanye is most controversial person to work with, and people seem some how still work with him. Drake on other hand seem like a normal but everyone have problems with him behind scenes. I feel like everyone rather work with a Nazi than Drake base on the information.
kanye is too honest, thats how he gets in trouble. drake will smile in ur face and f*** u over