  • Jan 20, 2022

    Akademiks loves to blow things out of proportion

    Same Mf who started telling his fans that Mo-g was writing for Drake and started all the “OVO sweatshop stuff”

  • Jan 20, 2022

    Who even cares, tons of artists have writers, doesn’t take away from the music if it’s great

  • Jan 20, 2022

    it was initially thought by some that ‘the weeknd’ was a multi member group in which Abel just played the frontman for

  • Jan 20, 2022
    2 replies

    It 100% is some new exclusive if we take what Ak as saying as true. Blinding Lights being entirely written by Belly is definitely new news.

    It isn't a big deal to me though because when you have THAT many cooks in the kitchen (as Weeknd does for an album these days) it's inevitable that someone is going to chef up records that Abel ends up using.

    Tbh what do niggas think writing camps are for or about? Do we think writers and rappers collaborate and not share ideas, verses, hooks, etc.?

    I also don't think it's a big deal because Weeknd has written for Belly too. It's not like he can't or doesn't write.

    Wait this is completely unrelated to the thread are u actually BLXST lol

  • Jan 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Honestly...why would you doubt it?

    He's alllll over after hours. He's good with melodies. What's there to doubt?

    Why do you think he is good with melodies?
    I have never heard the man hit a note, just bars.

    I also know a big artist from my country who also gets help from a rapper when the lyrics has to written

  • Jan 20, 2022

    This section has gotten really bad in 2022 alone lol

    It's horrible lmaoo

  • MyLeftBrain

    Why do you think he is good with melodies?
    I have never heard the man hit a note, just bars.

    I also know a big artist from my country who also gets help from a rapper when the lyrics has to written

    Cause people like u really know s*** about music and writing, hitting notes would only be very important to the artist performing it...

  • Jan 20, 2022

    Wait this is completely unrelated to the thread are u actually BLXST lol

    I was kinda wondering the same thing at first but no way blxst is spending his free time s***posting on here. Plus I don’t think this user had ever really referred to blxst’s music

  • Jan 20, 2022

    Wait this is completely unrelated to the thread are u actually BLXST lol


  • Jan 20, 2022

    does he co-write or does he straight up just write all/most of it tho

    Co write

  • Jan 20, 2022

    ill cashapp you $10 to delete this thread right now

    is this offer still on the table?

  • Jan 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Abel’s lyrics always been ass tho

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jan 20, 2022

    Abel’s lyrics always been ass tho

    Listen to the knowing and till dawn big capper

  • Jan 20, 2022

    I seent it. I know producers who have artists who's sole job is to work on the producer's beats so that when he sends them out, the hook and a verse is already on it to give the rapper / singer a guide. Common practice. If those were to leak, boom "omg he doesn't write" LMAO but that's not what that means.

    Did niggas forget about those Weeknd demos that were floating through the industry before House of Ballons? Or Drake being in writing camps w/40 as early as 06?

    References very clearly do not mean niggas can't write.

    The easiest thing in the world to do is for a rapper to write a rap lol These days, the same is true for R&B acts. Making an actual song though, is not. Weeknd albums, Kanye albums, drake albums, have a lot more at stake.

    No real time to try and cook up from scratch when 1da has sent over a beat with a hook from PND and Hush has given me a good starting line. From there, the record is completed in 10 minutes. See how much more efficient that process is lol?

    Finding new melodies is hard, finding the pocket for a particular beat in a timely fashion can be hard, finding the starting line for a verse can be tough, especially if a turnaround time is involved. References and writers help with that.

    Really cool breakdown

  • Jan 20, 2022
    Not Like Josuke

    AK being a “Drake stan” was the greatest rebrand since MGK lol. That nigga was a flagrant hater back in the day.

    Idk how far back you’re talking, but I’ve always felt that Ak was openly a big Drake fan but went over the top in reporting negative s*** about him (even peddling the sweatshop crap) so people gave him journalistic cred and didn’t think he was a biased d*** rider lol.

    Then Drake played it smart and started engaging with him and correcting the record occasionally and now Ak doesn’t want to ruin that relationship so he toes the line

  • Jan 20, 2022

    Usually everyone in every genre has a right had guy or gal to bounce ideas off.