He didn’t die tho so it’s ok to laugh
i'd agree with this if the person made a full recovery tbh
but this is still terrible
as someone who's currently been undergoing surgery and hasn't been able to walk on my left leg for over a year, i feel bad for him. S*** is f***ing depressing
Were the niggas that shot him his opps or just tried to rob him? S*** wild. Niggas don't give a f***. Shooting niggas at Walmart or shooting on a public highway and taking off
On a serious note I wanna know what he means by it doesn’t work. Like he can walk but just not move his foot?
hopefully after some physical therapy he can regain use of it, f***ed up it happened to him
Thread already starting off on the wrong foot
thats f***ed man
They don’t call it hip hop for nothing
Nigga foot don’t work
I broke my right foot a couple summers ago and it’s scary how much you need that s*** and seeing your whole leg atrophied is depressing
This thread is proof the jokes on Meg foot weren't sexist based KTT doesn't hate women it hates EVERYONE
Thread already starting off on the wrong foot
If hell is real it’s hot, you understand?