At least I never felt obligated to care about these boys just cause they’re signed to my fav
At least I never felt obligated to care about these boys just cause they’re signed to my fav
Brothers out here supporting labels like a sports team
Bro knows what kinda fanbase he got
He knows he a be alright🤣
Nigga couldn't at least say it's cap?
Brothers out here supporting labels like a sports team
I member when Travis signed Smokepurrp I called in a bomb threat to Cactus Jack HQ
Carti goes on a random white kids soundcloud likes and plays eenie meenie miney mo and the fans be like “imma stick beside him “
I member when Travis signed Smokepurrp I called in a bomb threat to Cactus Jack HQ
Carti goes on a random white kids soundcloud likes and plays eenie meenie miney mo and the fans be like “imma stick beside him “
I member when Travis signed Smokepurrp I called in a bomb threat to Cactus Jack HQ
Carti goes on a random white kids soundcloud likes and plays eenie meenie miney mo and the fans be like “imma stick beside him “
I member when Travis signed Smokepurrp I called in a bomb threat to Cactus Jack HQ
Carti goes on a random white kids soundcloud likes and plays eenie meenie miney mo and the fans be like “imma stick beside him “
WHAT THE F*** lmaaaaaaaaaaao
I member when Travis signed Smokepurrp I called in a bomb threat to Cactus Jack HQ
Carti goes on a random white kids soundcloud likes and plays eenie meenie miney mo and the fans be like “imma stick beside him “
im done
Bro shut UP
he guilty as hell
as a carti stan i’ve seen three (3) separate women claim he:
but if 3 separate girls are calling the cops on you, uhhhh ….
ain't he shoot at rubi on camera? lol
this was like 2017 tho
I member when Travis signed Smokepurrp I called in a bomb threat to Cactus Jack HQ
Carti goes on a random white kids soundcloud likes and plays eenie meenie miney mo and the fans be like “imma stick beside him “
you called in a what