Raw emotions are really a rare thing in society, and I think that is why clips like this go viral
This critique lame. Next you gonn tell me if Benzino walks into a bar they shouldn’t serve him because it might make him cry
Think the critique is actually pretty valid.
Really not the same as walking it a bar my guy, the bar isn’t gonna call them up ask them to come to bar get them drunk ask them questions and record it for there own personal gain
He still made this. Idc about his beef with Eminem one bit.
Em hasn't had a beef with a skilled rapper. Only marginal ones.
You can tell no b**** in him. Those are grown man tears
people in this thread was never in the trenches he was in.
Think the critique is actually pretty valid.
Really not the same as walking it a bar my guy, the bar isn’t gonna call them up ask them to come to bar get them drunk ask them questions and record it for there own personal gain
If they do and then you agree to it as a grown man, and take however many drinks you choose to because you have that power and no one else, then they did nothing wrong
I never saw Nore “get someone drunk” there’s plenty of guests who straight up don’t even drink or clearly keep it chill with just a couple shots and Nore doesn’t press them like that. People who drink on the show do it on their own free will. And again, out of all their episodes, I’ve probably seen like 5 where the guest actually gets “drunk” to the point of it effecting the interview. For the most part it’s dudes having drinks chopping it up, it’s not a bunch of dudes crying and spazzing out.
Also I’m assuming artists get paid to do drink champs. If a bar calls me and says they’ll pay me a decent check to drink and talk, I’ll do it and since I’m a grown man I’ll just have as many drinks as I can handle because that’s in my control and I know myself. If I drink too many and spaz out it’s on me, not the bar
i literally pressed play and he's crying talking about how he doesn't hate eminem
Later in the interview it’s f*** him & he said he lied earlier
Think the critique is actually pretty valid.
Really not the same as walking it a bar my guy, the bar isn’t gonna call them up ask them to come to bar get them drunk ask them questions and record it for there own personal gain
Stop this p**** ass victimization nobody puts a gun to these peeps heads and make them drink. They drink however much they choose to when they come to the show, some don't drink at all and just smoke bud this is ridiculous
Stop this p**** ass victimization nobody puts a gun to these peeps heads and make them drink. They drink however much they choose to when they come to the show, some don't drink at all and just smoke bud this is ridiculous
For real. Idk why people pretend to be concerned about this s***
You sure he didn't lose his mind when h e made this?
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlczY14RRF0&pp=ygUTYmVuemlubyBtdXNpYyB2aWRlbw%3D%3DHe tryna get in his D’Angelo bag but he too ugly for this
Ngl if I’m on drink champs im dropping one of them thangs in NORE’s Bev.
I’m not about the be the loosest goose in this gaggle.
Coi looks amazing btw:
she’s so fine man 😩
I seen benzino in LA at a park in 2022. He was with a group of elderly thugs, some shirtless. It's like 9 am on a Tuesday.
An older woman walks by with her dog and benzino starts harassing and cat calling her from across the street. So it's f*** benzino
I saw Benzino at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Coi looks amazing btw:
Lord help me if i have a daughter…
The narrative is that "he's having a mid life crisis this is embarrasing" when it should be "this nigga hilarious "
If they do and then you agree to it as a grown man, and take however many drinks you choose to because you have that power and no one else, then they did nothing wrong
I never saw Nore “get someone drunk” there’s plenty of guests who straight up don’t even drink or clearly keep it chill with just a couple shots and Nore doesn’t press them like that. People who drink on the show do it on their own free will. And again, out of all their episodes, I’ve probably seen like 5 where the guest actually gets “drunk” to the point of it effecting the interview. For the most part it’s dudes having drinks chopping it up, it’s not a bunch of dudes crying and spazzing out.
Also I’m assuming artists get paid to do drink champs. If a bar calls me and says they’ll pay me a decent check to drink and talk, I’ll do it and since I’m a grown man I’ll just have as many drinks as I can handle because that’s in my control and I know myself. If I drink too many and spaz out it’s on me, not the bar
accountability goes both ways. both grown men. two things can be true.
you a lying mfer talking bout you never seen nore get someone drunk wtf. mr "lets take a shot for that", seen a fair few clearly unstable guest (shan & mic geronimo come to mind) where its def shows same nastiness to nore's character to keep pushing them to smoke or drink.
I really dont think people are getting paid to go on drink champs lol. if they are then NORE got weaker cred in the industry then i thought.
Stop this p**** ass victimization nobody puts a gun to these peeps heads and make them drink. They drink however much they choose to when they come to the show, some don't drink at all and just smoke bud this is ridiculous
Again I'll repeat this. accountability goes both ways. both grown men. two things can be true.
Benzino a grown ass man that shouldnt be getting drunk and high crying on an interview about eminem. NORE shouldn't be exploiting a man that clearly isn't in the right head space for his own personal gain.