  • Nov 22, 2019

    Coming out to "pick up the phone" is historic.

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    What a goat. Idk about politics, who can put me on about who we should be fw that’s gonna do the opposite of Donald Trump being a dumbass?

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    if you dont support bernie like what are you even doing
    this mans been displaying the same moral fortitude and tenacious politicking for like 45 years
    put him in!!!

  • plants 🌻
    Nov 22, 2019
    Troy Ave Stan

    What a goat. Idk about politics, who can put me on about who we should be fw that’s gonna do the opposite of Donald Trump being a dumbass?

    its bernie

  • Nov 22, 2019

    if you dont support bernie like what are you even doing
    this mans been displaying the same moral fortitude and tenacious politicking for like 45 years
    put him in!!!

    Put him in coach!

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

  • Nov 22, 2019
    3 replies

    hes too f***in old

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    hes too f***in old

    78 lmfaoooo goddamn

  • Nov 22, 2019
    3 replies

    Ehh saw Rogan and didnt seem to be able to really answer the questions straight forward same in the debates. Cant really see him being able to keep up with trump onstage

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Bernie already has one foot in the grave, we need a strong and powerful man like Trump.

  • Nov 22, 2019

    78 lmfaoooo goddamn

    fr nigga had a stroke like a month ago

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Ehh saw Rogan and didnt seem to be able to really answer the questions straight forward same in the debates. Cant really see him being able to keep up with trump onstage

    Trump talks in platitudes too. If it was Bernie v Trump it would be right vs left populism.

  • Nov 22, 2019

    hpoe he can win the election thing before he turns to dust

  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

    We don’t need a damn president

  • Nov 22, 2019
    3 replies

    Bernard has slaughtered the competition in each debate. He will also make Ariana Grande National Queen of the Arts.

  • Nov 22, 2019
    Moody mann

    Bernard has slaughtered the competition in each debate. He will also make Ariana Grande National Queen of the Arts.

    Good username

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    We don’t need a damn president

    Thank you. Sheep need shepherds though.

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Ehh saw Rogan and didnt seem to be able to really answer the questions straight forward same in the debates. Cant really see him being able to keep up with trump onstage


  • Nov 22, 2019

  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

    Thank you. Sheep need shepherds though.

    Wish we had a council like Zion did in the matrix. 12-13 wise men and women each specializing in one field.

  • Nov 22, 2019

    he gna die b4 he can hit office fam

  • Look at this c***lol he sure do know how to get you niggas on his side without saying much tho, respect

  • Nov 22, 2019

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Wish we had a council like Zion did in the matrix. 12-13 wise men and women each specializing in one field.

    A new system is going to be required soon. A breakaway society of some sort. What’s going on isn’t sustainable.

  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

    This is all it takes to get people to vote for you now lmfao