  • Feb 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I might be getting ahead of myself but I think iowa seals the deal on him.

    Nah, plenty of candidates lost in Iowa and secured the nomination anyways. Biden isn’t done until he starts losing states with large minority populations.

  • Feb 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Nah, plenty of candidates lost in Iowa and secured the nomination anyways. Biden isn’t done until he starts losing states with large minority populations.

    fair but biden has coasted as the front runner for months and he flopped to fourth. its a devastating start and i dont see minority votes going his way despite earlier polls. that support has been leaking to other candidates quickly and will continue to ramp up

  • Feb 8, 2020
    1 reply

    fair but biden has coasted as the front runner for months and he flopped to fourth. its a devastating start and i dont see minority votes going his way despite earlier polls. that support has been leaking to other candidates quickly and will continue to ramp up

    Reagan, Bush Sr, McCain, Romney, Trump, Clinton, and Dukakis all lost Iowa. Ending in 4th is a bad look and makes it clear that Biden isn’t a lock, but the campaigns have had an intense focus on Iowa and the ranked choice system plus having so many candidates didn’t play well for Biden. As they get into states that aren’t heavily campaigned in, I think you’ll see Biden’s lead return and those results will more closely reflect the national polling.

    Although it’s also possible Iowa indicates that Biden voters aren’t energized enough to actually vote while Bernie’s are and we’ll continue seeing him get washed. I think we’ll get a better picture on Super Tuesday.

  • Feb 8, 2020

    Reagan, Bush Sr, McCain, Romney, Trump, Clinton, and Dukakis all lost Iowa. Ending in 4th is a bad look and makes it clear that Biden isn’t a lock, but the campaigns have had an intense focus on Iowa and the ranked choice system plus having so many candidates didn’t play well for Biden. As they get into states that aren’t heavily campaigned in, I think you’ll see Biden’s lead return and those results will more closely reflect the national polling.

    Although it’s also possible Iowa indicates that Biden voters aren’t energized enough to actually vote while Bernie’s are and we’ll continue seeing him get washed. I think we’ll get a better picture on Super Tuesday.

    fair enough def good points that iowa can be an anomaly

  • Feb 9, 2020
    1 reply

    The planet??? Lmao

    What is Bernie going to do to save the planet?

    Green New Deal, ending support for the genocide in Yemen, de-escalating in the region, (hopefully) ending coups and interference in other countries' elections (Hello Evo Morales), working for the most pro-palestinian solution a US government can offer (although that's a low bar).

    He won't "save the planet", but he'll lead a more compassionate America (very low bar) when dealing with the rest of the world.

  • Feb 9, 2020

    Green New Deal, ending support for the genocide in Yemen, de-escalating in the region, (hopefully) ending coups and interference in other countries' elections (Hello Evo Morales), working for the most pro-palestinian solution a US government can offer (although that's a low bar).

    He won't "save the planet", but he'll lead a more compassionate America (very low bar) when dealing with the rest of the world.

    Green new deal is a fantasy. Have you read that crap?

    First off for him to get anything done he has to get more socialist In The house , kick out the Dems and in the senate, second he has to get his people in the senate to outnumbered the republicans who will never support this.

    If he won, he would be a one term president, worse than Jimmy Carter.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Feb 11, 2020

    If its not Yang or Bernie i'm sitting it out. I refuse to vote for Biden, Pete, Warren, or Bloomberg.

  • Feb 11, 2020

    Bernie should run third party if he gets cheated out again. If he has a plurality and someone else gets picked. Dems are gonna lose anyway so might as well start a third party or run as the Green party candidate.