  • AR15 💯
    Jan 18, 2021
    2 replies

    I stopped cocaine after almost a decade last year, never thought i could do it. You can do it bro.

  • Jan 18, 2021


  • Jan 19, 2021

    fighting your demons is exhausting, wish you the best op

    used to have a problem with blow, never bought it but it was always given to me at my job (restaurant industry), it was just so accessible and prevalent there smh. It was scary cause it felt like I was my biggest ennemy, I couldn’t fight my own urges. I ended up leaving the industry as I found a job in my field but man sometimes I think about if I didn’t have to leave that environment I would probably still be doing it every shift. I guess my point is that you gotta cut off ties with enablers and remove yourself from any environment where they partake in whatever you’re trying to quit. I know I’m not preaching anything new here but its really the way to quit

    p.s: haven’t done blow in 4 years

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Seek professional help

  • Jan 19, 2021

    This sounds cliche and not necessarily a long term solution but use weed and kratom to get you past the hard stuff.

    What if its weed ur addicted to

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Best advice i got is keep writing

  • Jan 19, 2021

    No. Obviously it’s better to smoke weed vs doing heroin and meth. Most people on this site smoke weed so idk why this is a controversial opinion.

    Some people can handle a coke addiction but not weed lmao. But i get you

  • Jan 19, 2021
    2 replies

    His health and mental state won’t be in jeopardy from smoking weed as opposed to alcohol or whatever the addiction is. If being completely sober is the goal then understandable

    Thats bullshit weed has f***ed up a lot of people

    Just bc its not as bad doesn’t mean it can’t f*** you up

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Try the Halt method. Make a time table and mark an x under whatever letter any time you get an urge. Once you can identify what’s causing you to relapse, it’s much easier to fix.

  • Jan 19, 2021


  • gh0stman

    I heard eating cold turkey helps

    Hardy har har

  • AR15

    I stopped cocaine after almost a decade last year, never thought i could do it. You can do it bro.

    I’m proud of you fam. Keep up the good work.

  • black hedi slimane

    ignore trolls

    learn to be comfortable with yourself op. recognize you’re trying to run from something inside yourself.

    there’s some good advice in the thread. don’t go into this expecting to be a straight edge person for the rest of your life.

    you will relapse. it will hurt. just focus on being kind to yourself and to the ones who who want to help you and you will be okay

    keep going bro we need u here healthy

  • Cajun Fries

    Thats bullshit weed has f***ed up a lot of people

    Just bc its not as bad doesn’t mean it can’t f*** you up

    This. I use to think weed was harmless until I really started paying attention to how it take over some people lives to the point where they won’t do regular s*** like eat a meal if they didn’t smoke a blunt. I know it all depend on the person but at the same time we gotta acknowledge weed ain’t as harmless as we thought. There are some problems that come with weed. I love weed but seeing some people go full crackhead over it really make me wanna stop smoking sometimes.

    Jan 19, 2021

    try NA zoom meetings @op

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Cajun Fries

    Thats bullshit weed has f***ed up a lot of people

    Just bc its not as bad doesn’t mean it can’t f*** you up

    Weeds helped me calm my anxiousness and helps me focus but I’ve never been an addict to anything besides cigarettes but I overcame that, to each their own

  • Jan 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Weeds helped me calm my anxiousness and helps me focus but I’ve never been an addict to anything besides cigarettes but I overcame that, to each their own

    I’ve definitely seen too many people to count where weed heavily exaggerated their mental health issues and bad habits

  • Jan 19, 2021
    Cajun Fries

    I’ve definitely seen too many people to count where weed heavily exaggerated their mental health issues and bad habits

    That’s alcohol and cocaine around me but aye like I said to each his own

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Look at it as a daily challenge. Telling yourself you'll never do whatever you're addicted to ever again in your whole life seems like an overwhelming and unattainable challenge, but when your goal for each day is simply not to give in to your addiction on that day it becomes a lot more doable and you can feel proud of yourself at the end of each day, at least that was the case for me.

    If possible, professional help would also be great ofc.

    Good luck, you got this!

  • Jan 19, 2021

    keep yourself occupied and distracted so you keep the focus away from the itch (it will be difficult at first no cap) and take it day by day and don't be too harsh on yourself because defeating addiction is no easy feat.

  • Jan 19, 2021

    Here’s what helped me personally

    • Meditation, builds your concentration, awareness and resilience

    • Keeping busy. Preferably things that need to get done & passion projects. Builds discipline and is a great distraction

    • Whenever the itch arises, note it down, write about it, take a deep breather. Get active w something immediately. Don’t loosen up and fall into that spiral of contemplation, we all know it’s way harder to resist at that point.

    Allow yourself to feel proud for every minute, second and day. Every resisted urge. Track your accomplishment if you want to. It helps but I’m too lazy for that lol.