This is still unbelievable even tho I think the beat was kinda wasted
This beat was wasted?
Wtf did you wanna hear some xans raps on this s***?
Bruh you buggin, this beat got bodied by all of them
This beat was wasted?
Wtf did you wanna hear some xans raps on this s***?
Bruh you buggin, this beat got bodied by all of them
Relistened tbh and you're right, 2 Chainz goes crazy especially, I think Game's verses just aren't as good as the others and it's noticable, but the song overall is a legit masterpiece
probably this pretty mind blowing especially this years ahead anything released in 2013
The Harry Fraud Location beat an absolute classic but one of his more slept on beats is this one that I love
Used to listen to this for hours at a time I love this beat
Personal fav, I think the beat just hits something in me man can’t even explain it and Keefs verses are legendary