just for non-rap songs
Save Your Tears
Kiss Me More
deja vu
heat waves
heartbreak anniversary
I’d say either good for u or leave the door open but those are in op so here are some others
just for non-rap songs
Save Your Tears
Kiss Me More
deja vu
heat waves
heartbreak anniversary
heat waves is very catchy, im glad that it became such a hit
A lot of “hit” songs if we’re going by billboard standards were so mid/weak
Levitating remix was ight
Good 4 u grew on me
Idk there’s so more but man this year was mid lol
I'm so mad this song wasn't bigger especially considering it should have gotten the YB stimulus
Hoteps will never recover
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTHLKHL_whsi shouldve posted this ngl might be my favorite Nas X song
I'm so mad this song wasn't bigger especially considering it should have gotten the YB stimulus
Seriously man… I could hear this on the radio easily
Somehow this wasn't posted yet
i was just using the official billboard list, but yea i like this song even more than LTDO
i was just using the official billboard list, but yea i like this song even more than LTDO
That makes sense lol, tbh I never liked the charts cuz it feels like songs that release later in the year get shafted cuz they're too late to rack up points this year but have already been out for a while by the time next year rolls around - like the ten minute version of All To Well was a bigger cultural force than like 60% of the list this year but prolly won't make either this or next years list