making a work presentation for this s*** tomorrow what are the best ones to use? I know tab for hitting next buttons, ctrl c for copy and ctrl v for pasting, just the basic stuff
You may know these already, but:
CTRL+Z = Undo
CTRL+Y = Redo
Alt+Tab for swapping between windows quickly
CTRL+A = Select all
CTRL+S = Save
CTRL+P opens the print menu
Alt + left arrow = going to the previous page on chrome
Alt + right arrow = going to the next page on chrome
windows key + any arrow
it will move/minimize/maximize windows
shift + arrows to highlight/select the text, it's helpful for when you read text to people
if you hold ctrl too it will highlight per word instead of per letter
windows key + P will allow you to duplicate your monitor, or extend it
once you activate it you can use the arrows and enter to select instead of mouse
crtl shift t reopens your last closed tab
windows key + any arrow
it will move/minimize/maximize windows
alt + printscreen will only capture the application you're in versus your entire desktop / taskbar.
ctrl + shift + r will do a hard refresh of a website in your browser to bypass any cached data.
The ones youve remapped for your own particular needs ;)
Win + almost any key will open whatever program i have it bound to
Win shift s
Click down on the scroll wheel (in chrome atleast) that opens the link in a new tab
this one is a blessing and a curse cause it leads to me opening 3 tabs of useless stuff that I don't need and some that I will never get around to reading but its still nice to have