Mint car on letterman. My favourite cure song on my favourite tv show the year I was born. A thing of legends
Drake on Fallon
Travis Antidote on Kimmel
Was boutta post this one. Classic times
Kanye on SNL multiple times. Pick one during Yeezus Era
!! answer
always bumped live version never saw these visuals
what else am i missing
The boy DP in this video. Another classic Era
Mint car on letterman. My favourite cure song on my favourite tv show the year I was born. A thing of legends
David letterman is your favorite tv show ?
David letterman is your favorite tv show ?
Second favourite before sopranos I guess but yeah. I’m a letterman stan lmao. I watched it every night for 10 years and still sift through clips now and then
Second favourite before sopranos I guess but yeah. I’m a letterman stan lmao. I watched it every night for 10 years and still sift through clips now and then
That's interesting