Sup my fellow gamers who thought we'd be here once again for another edition of Pokemon VZ 2025!! Yall know how this goes we here to determine the newest champ!
Nominees: I already took the list from last years and added a bunch more pokemons so no need to submit anything!
Voting: When I post a new matchup, you vote by liking the picture of the pokemon. I will tally up the votes and the winner will advance to the next round. (Mercy rule: If someone is losing by 10+ votes the match will be concluded sooner than later and the figurative towel will be thrown in.)
1. Cyndaquil
2. Blaziken
3. Spheal
4. Hisuian Samurott
5. Absol
6. Shiny Gyarados
7. Giratina
8. Kyogre
9. Mightyena
10. Flaaffy
11. Donphan
12. Umbreon
13. Garchomp
14. Lickilicky
15. Oshawott
16. Darkrai
17. Trevenant
18. Ekans
19. Poliwhirl
20. Dialga
21. Electabuzz
22. Dragonite
23. Gothitelle
24. Weavile
25. Ludicolo
26. Mudkip
27. Latios
28. Lopunny
29. Arcanine
30. Hitmonlee
31. Skarmory
32. Cacturne
33. Haunter
34. Blastoise
35. Kadabra
36. Tatsugiri
37. Noctowl
38. Chimchar
39. Mew
40. Celebi
41. Froslass
42. Gengar
43. Swinub
44. Greninja
45. Breloom
46. Suicune
47. Pikachu
48. Aegislash
49. Zoroark
50. Seviper
51. Lugia
52. Walrein
53. Arbok
54. Scyther
55. Registeel
56. Jolteon
57. Gardevoir
58. Zweilous
59. Geodude
60. Phantump
61. Hisuain Growlithe
62. Metagross
63. Raichu
64. Machamp
65. Eevee
66. Bulbasaur
67. Cinderace
68. Kingdra
69. Ghastly
70. Rayquaza
71. Vaporeon
72. Mewtwo
73. Magmortar
74. Darumaka
75. Jirachi
76. Infernape
77. Treecko
78. Cinccino
79. Shroomish
80. Entei
81. Scizor
82. Rowlet
83. Medicham
84. Slowpoke
85. Feraligatr
86. Ceruledge
87. Decidueye
88. Cubone
89. Milotic
90. Ninetales
91. Piplup
92. Krookodile
93. Lucario
94. Roserade
95. Diglett
96. Salamance
97. Gligar
98. Ariados
99. Alolan Marowak
100. Arceus
101. Sudowoodo
102. Dragapult
103. Snorlax
104. Tyranitar
105. Galarian Darmanitan
106. Mawile
107. Nidoking
108. Ursaring
109. Mimikyu
110. Ampharos
111. Chandelure
112. Whimsicott
113. Altaria
114. Deoxys
115. Conkeldurr
116. Gothorita
117. Typhlosion
118. Misdreavus
119. Houndoom
120. Charizard
121. Wooloo
122. Yanmega
123. Onyx
124. Sneasel
125. Togepi
126. Heracross
127. Moltres
128. Hydreigon
129. Butterfree
130. Beedrill
131. Pidgeot
132. Sandslash
133. Sandshrew
134. Clefairy
135. Jigglypuff
136. Vileplume
137. Venonat
138. Primeape
139. Alakazam
140. Tentacruel
141. Rapidash
142. Starmie
143. Tauros
144. Lapras
145. Flareon
146. Kabutops
147. Politoed
148. Corsola
149. Phanpy
150. Tyrogue
151. Swampert
152. Sceptile
153. Beautifly
154. Shiftry
155. Ninjask
156. Hariyama
157. Delcatty
158. Plusle
159. Roselia
160. Sharpedo
161. Torkoal
162. Claydol
163. Armaldo
164. Duskull
165. Wynaut
166. Regirock
167. Groudon
168. Mime Jr.
169. Toxicroak
170. Palkia
171. Cresselia
172. Serperior
173. Snivy
174. Emboar
175. Sawk
176. Lilligant
177. Zorua
178. Reshiram
179. Zekrom
180. Fennekin
181. Froakie
182. Xerneas
183. Incineroar
184. Sobble
everyone else GET ITT
Kodak Spice uses Squirt!
spite match btw
Flareon getting done dirty with this matchup
Unfair matchup. I got a soft spot for all the gen 1 and 2 Eeveelutions
@op 184 Pokemon kinda crazy. You want us to vote 92 times for the first round?
@op 184 Pokemon kinda crazy. You want us to vote 92 times for the first round?
It's 56 times but u can always skip some matchups. First rounds always move fast anw
Blastoise wins! (11-1)