Treecko and chikorita deserved to be in a besides that it’s solid
Chikorita is so underrated
I always see nothing but hate for her
told yall boycott after the diglet sabotage
Whatever, f*** this bullshit.
I like you, so don't come to KTT2 Best Pokemon VZ tomorrow.
Whatever, f*** this bullshit.
I like you, so don't come to KTT2 Best Pokemon VZ tomorrow.
How did Darkrai lose
Altaria is also a cool pokemon but i should’ve let it rock longer
Vaporeon blasts zweilous with hydropump!! (3-7)
Vote by liking the pictureMudkip
@Danny @KodakSpice
Chikorita is so underrated
I always see nothing but hate for her
Isn't it because of it just not being good in gen 2? Which is also heavily due to the difficulty spike itself?
Pikachu first, you second and Lucario third. You living on borrowed time, f***face. What made you think I play around, b****made motherfucker
me after seeing yall make snorlax lose