Gold is amazing literally the soundtrack to my life. Going through a breakup right now, after 5 years. She’s in the process of moving out. Showed me her newly signed lease the other day.
Gambino co-sign
What's the last new rap song or new artist you heard that blew you away and inspired you?
I listen to Cleo Sol a lot. I really, really love Mother and she just put out two albums in the past like two weeks or something. And I think they're both amazing. I just love her.
Contemplative drive home in a beautiful autumn setting while Know That You Are Loved is playing >>>
Contemplative drive home in a beautiful autumn setting while Know That You Are Loved is playing >>>
Worked out to this song yesterday
are yall just happening to bump the thread when she dropped some new new lol
Fear When You Fly
zane lowe is so f***ing insufferable but she is rare