was gonna post this then i listened to it to check, and realized those were synths and not string strings Wouldn't say its the BEST and all that etc but the progression from 04.06 and onward evokes and conjures up so many different feelings of demise, fear, surrender, acceptance, life ending etc. it sorta works like a string section though but sorry if it doesnt fit your thread OP
was gonna post this then i listened to it to check, and realized those were synths and not string strings Wouldn't say its the BEST and all that etc but the progression from 04.06 and onward evokes and conjures up so many different feelings of demise, fear, surrender, acceptance, life ending etc. it sorta works like a string section though but sorry if it doesnt fit your thread OP
if it sounds like strings then more power to you king
if it sounds like strings then more power to you king
you could've shut me down but you let me live
bless you 1000x OP
you could've shut me down but you let me live
bless you 1000x OP
how could i ever shut down a mac post, impossible
i expect the s***posts to be flowing from your username from now on king
how could i ever shut down a mac post, impossible
i expect the s***posts to be flowing from your username from now on king
real too real
i must say as much as i enjoy s***posting and cooking up lo-res memes in f***ing MS PAINT i enjoy the productive convos here and just being civil towards one another in general
but i will take your blessing bestowed upon me to s***post with me as a badge of honor, king
came for the string section, stayed for the rest of the music
90s RZA beats
Them dusty strings are haunting
Pet sounds album by Beach Boys
Makes me wanna take someone’s mom on a picnic
this is basically just strings and it might not be the best interpretation/take on this exact piece but listen to these strings. hard as the brix the artist formerly known as Boonk Gang is currently laying at a construction site near you