Greatest promo oat
Prime ecw was wild. The blueprint for the attitude era
Greatest promo oat
pos is a bit harsh considering you got benoit in the op.
Vince isn't perfect, but he's payed for injuries and wrestlers who have struggled in their later years who are in need of money or operations.
He's provided opportunities for many to make alot of money.
Dude leaves a lot of people to die in his business lol. He def a pos who cares about the craft more than the lives of some people
"some SKANKASAURUS in the front row"
"You fat bald motherfucker"
Mankind was truly the GOAT. Mick Foley, in general, was a beast, but Mankind really laid the ground work for what they try to do with some of these “weirdo” acts they come up with. He also helped define the best era in wresting.
Plus, he was just an all-out amazing performer in the ring. Foley was down for it all.
Danm this thread making me smile so much. So many iconic moments. Wrestling was a huge part of my childhood. In not sure if I've outgrown it or it turned to complete s***
bro they had a f***ing RAPE scene in wwe wtf
Apparently this came from a dream Vince had
The best beefs for me - The whole arc of DX and undertaker that ended in Michaels career ending was so good. John Cena and Randy Orton is up there too especially that iron man match. Undertaker and Edge. CM punk and Undertaker.
They scrubbed this one off the internet for ages. Only just seen it this year
You know its all acting but theres really not that much difference between cena the character and cena the man. I honestly believe he felt bad for edge after sending him through those tables like it mightve taken some years off his edges life and actually may have
He looked like he was legit about to cry right there I don’t even blame him