I was doing really well in last of us factions.
Subspace continuum I was #1 dueler in teamelim.
MW3 and Black Ops 2 were my peak cod years. Think I ended up in master league on league play.
I’m still great at COD but I’m not dropping 60 bombs in public matches anymore
The most recent ones:
Never died more than 7 times against a boss in Bloodborne including DLC & two NG+'s. Plat trophy it too.
Reached plat rank in Rocket League in my first week of playing.
Reached top 1000 in Pokemon Online Competitive doubles on Switch.
Solo'd a whole squad before on R6S.
Probably gears 3 I was f***ing trash as f*** but the people I played with were really good. I never got on there level but playing with them I learned a lot and got really good enough to where the average player was not f***ing with me ever. We would scrim against pro teams and we would do fairly decent I'm giving that credit to some of the other guys I played with. But I always held my own and did good job of playing support.
Had a clan on Saints Row that made it to the top 15 lol
oh s*** the original Saints Row? when they had gang leaderboards?
I'm the greatest nba street vol. 2 player to walk this planet.
I was pretty good at nfl street 1 too