At first couple listens I had Disco over it it’s more musical in its sound also Disco was my intro to MIKE before I revisited his older work but with more listens botm grew on me & I’m here to say it’s perfect
i feel like botm is his best album, might have to revisit disco tho
its so good, all round. it felt bigger and grander,
BOTM better than Disco
i love Disco but it was a slight (very slight) dip between Weight of the World & BOTM
Disco for me. Alarmed and big love my favorite songs of his
Big love is crazy i wish the beat stayed how it does in the intro for longer
BOTM is a better rap project
Disco has a more unique production vibe
Depends on if you like him more polished/energetic on BOTM or chill on Disco I think
Disco for now, but I gotta listen to BOTM more before I can give a definitive answer