I was quoted of getting a new logicboard for my MacBook Pro and replaced for 600. I had my MacBook for 2 years. Keyboard sucked regardless. MacBook Air would cost me around 1000 for a brand new one, I guess 1200 since I’ll get Apple care this time. What should I do?
2018... the keyboard sucks before my WiFi Card broke
Is the display good ?
If I'm not mistaken, the displays by itself are worth like at least $500
You can buy the MacBook Air, sell the pro for parts and make some money back too
Dam idk what to do? Yeah it works just fine , I just can’t connect to the Internet. The WiFi card is messed up and attached to logic board.
Actually had this same problem with an old MacBook a few years ago.
During the initial repair to the logic board at the Apple Store, the tech f***ed up on something to do with my display, and so they sent it to an actual repair center where my logic board, display, and bottom casing (it was p beat up) were replaced free of charge.
Fully agree. MacBook is an exccellend option as for me. Both for gaming and study. Anyway I recommend you to check apple macbook pro mac computer user manual apple.manymanuals.com/cable-interface-gender-adapters/macbook-pro-mac-computer/user-manual-41047 before purchasing.
Wait for ARM Macs next month if you can
Depends on what you use it for
Surface Pros are superior for college/university
I’ll take a macbook over a surface pro any day
I’ll take a macbook over a surface pro any day
I mean sure if you like not being able to take any handwritten notes and you like to be trapped in a limited ecosystem - go ahead. Even worse if you're in CS.
The apple isn't getting someone who's a loser to begin with laid I thought we already went over this is 2013.
I mean sure if you like not being able to take any handwritten notes and you like to be trapped in a limited ecosystem - go ahead. Even worse if you're in CS.
The apple isn't getting someone who's a loser to begin with laid I thought we already went over this is 2013.
The majority of cs students at my school use macbooks...
I mean sure if you like not being able to take any handwritten notes and you like to be trapped in a limited ecosystem - go ahead. Even worse if you're in CS.
The apple isn't getting someone who's a loser to begin with laid I thought we already went over this is 2013.
you can run a lot of FreeBSD code in the terminal via Mac Ports and Homebrew
you can easily enable root
sure you could install UNIX subsystems on Windows but you can run Windows on Mac OS pretty easily also