I’m talking performance wise cause you can’t really compare a rapper vocally to Beyoncé which is why the standard makes no sense. It’s way harder to rap and perform than it is to sing and perform.
This is not true at all fam. Rapping is definitely hard to do live, but the hardest part is the breath control.
Singing live includes BOTH breath control AND needing the ability to stay on pitch.
A rapper can rap a song out of tune but if their breath control and enunciation is good, it’s fine. If a singer is off pitch it sounds absolutely terrible
they def f***ed up the ”bang” camera cut live
And the individual responsible was dismissed before Bey even got off stage
they taking their sweet ass time putting it on netflix LMFAO i just know beyoncé in the editing room splicing together dress rehearsal footage and live footage 😭😭😭😭😭
rewatched in hd on youtube and it was way better
Stadium footage from fans is better
Kendrick got work cut out for him to match this
Have you seen any Kendrick TV performances? We can stop doubting him ffs
Have you seen any Kendrick TV performances? We can stop doubting him ffs
ive been to every single tour he has ever done. I went to the pop out. Im not doubting him, just saying he needs to put in work.
Thank god that knee is fully healed! She was so energetic, especially during the middle part.
Kendrick got work cut out for him to match this
He def saw that performance and said “bet”
ive been to every single tour he has ever done. I went to the pop out. Im not doubting him, just saying he needs to put in work.
Which is doubting lol
Thank god that knee is fully healed! She was so energetic, especially during the middle part.
do we think she’s touring?
do we think she’s touring?
Maybe a residency. RWT had insane production values, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect another tour not even 2 years after the last one. I also want a proper WORLD tour this time, and do we really think she’s gonna go on one with a country themed set?