Ah yes, Beyonce is indeed to blame for police harassment/power tripping and her show is akin to a concentration camp. You've figured it out
2023 users really aren't beating the garbage posting allegations. You hate to see it
He slipped that in there like it was all good LMAO
They need to run tests on some of these new users brains
A coordinated effort is being made by unimpassioned 2023 users to create the worst threads imaginable.
What is their goal? Is there a purpose? Who helms such an attack?
Will the old guard of KTT ever eliminate this issue, or will it accelerate enemy desires of social interaction by simply recognizing their rapid advancement within the homefield threads in question?
Is it over?
@OP giggled to himself when he wrote that title
2023 users really aren't beating the garbage posting allegations. You hate to see it
Dawg like they are literally not even trying.
Dawg like they are literally not even trying.
They be like "Here's why Zyklon B during WW2 is better than Cardi B during Pink Friday 2's impending release"