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  • Nov 4, 2022 I’m in Starbucks drive through waiting on my Venti Caramel Ribbon Crunch Latte, blasting Renaissance out the whip.. sun out, I’m feelin good.. the endorphins goin strong, suddenly this porcelain faced pop tart comes to the window and says.. That’s Beyonce right? I used to be a fan but she’s prolly the most overrated artist out there these days. Have you heard Midnights by Taylor..

    I hit her with the and made her make my coffee over just because.. b****es wylin

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Nov 4, 2022

    Taylor Swift stan calling other artists overrated


  • Yeah that never happened

  • This is the hip hop real gangsters enjoy, none of that Six Nine crap. I feel genuinely so excited for Drake and 21 Savage as they share their adventures of gaining cash and, well, having sex. When Drake sings about having s***I am genuinely rooting for him, I want him to have amazing s***and clearly he’s nailing it. The beats also make me want to dance my butt off, and don’t mind if I do. Did I mention 21 Savage is lives up to his name? Because he’s a freaking beast times twenty-one.
    21 Savage and Drake went there.

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