You can't actually see it, there's a small black patch on the outfit
You can't actually see it, there's a small black patch on the outfit
You old horndog, you..
My stance on this userbase changed yesterday when I learned there is a KTT2 chat thread on a website called Simpcity (a site where you have to REGISTER for P***O).
Truly disgraceful.
J’aime trop ce que représente Bianca, parce que le jour où elle vas quitté Kanye et qu’elle vas parler en public pour la première fois. Qu’on vas entendre le son de sa voix, this girl gonna be rich. Vous allez la voir dans tous les talk-show.
My stance on this userbase changed yesterday when I learned there is a KTT2 chat thread on a website called Simpcity (a site where you have to REGISTER for P***O).
Truly disgraceful.
This is truly insane though, KTT2 vassal states on p***o sites is going too far
They wouldn’t want it to be censored. Wheres the actual pics?
imagine raising a daughter for 18 years for her to walk around as kanye west's public humiliation kink
imagine raising a daughter for 18 years for her to walk around as kanye west's public humiliation kink
people raise daughters that do much much worse
look at your exes