cbs clearly pulls strings... helen was pushed... michie won last season... etc. so why don't they ever pull strings to keep fan faves like janelle
I think janelle just gets targeted too hard off rip. And rightfully, since she’s played 4 times and always a comp beast. That being said it’d just be much harder to rig it for her especially in an all star season. It’d have to be some corny season like where 19 or whenever Paul was given that dumbass 4 week immunity bullshit.
They do rig it but it can’t be super glaring. But yea there’s videos where ex guests talk about even some comps being rigged(producers setting s*** up for a certain player)
Why doesn’t Julie do the “by a vote of 9-0 _, your are SAFE” anymore
that s*** used to be hilarious
You talking about the tmz s*** right? Lmfao.
Even before that it was f*** them though lol
julie stop acting like the committee is real
xmas and memphis the only ones that remember the name of that s***
lets f\*\*\*ing go my girl won :amber:
better not waste it, need some damn entertainment
also dom sent dani black hair dye, she is returning
the queen is back
Danis gonna put up Kevin and David lmao.
David’s power is gonna be interesting
also dom sent dani black hair dye, she is returning
that b**** in love with Cody. She would cheat in a second
dani moaning
my hard on would make me drop hearing that up on the wall
Disgusting corpse bride