Big f*** nicole
the way she been talking about tyler since triple eviction night has been disgusting. you'd think someone that won this game before wouldnt take game s*** so personally
the way she been talking about tyler since triple eviction night has been disgusting. you'd think someone that won this game before wouldnt take game s*** so personally
Nicole really has never been good at the game this season feels like All-Stars B roaster
I've never seen someone continuously shoot themselves in the foot
Nicole really has never been good at the game this season feels like All-Stars B roaster
I've never seen someone continuously shoot themselves in the foot
she's like enzo without the hoh win or likability
the way she been talking about tyler since triple eviction night has been disgusting. you'd think someone that won this game before wouldnt take game s*** so personally
Smh and to think this the same person who had no problem getting two black people to fight. She really does love playing victim, it’s okay for her to screw others and cry but an issue because someone wanted to vote her out
what enzo doesnt realize is with him keeping nicole cody is never picking him over her
kayser outed that s*** in what, week 3? and people still going along keeping them both safe
Bro they had wall yellers exposing it. Kaysar exposed it. These niggas deserve to lose of they just gonna actively ignore the facts
Bro they had wall yellers exposing it. Kaysar exposed it. These niggas deserve to lose of they just gonna actively ignore the facts
its hard to imagine cody not winning at this point
i like Nicole
Damn what if Cody and Enzo make it to final 2 without ever going on the block. Enzo just won HOH so he’s never seeing the block
worst season I’ve ever watched by far
Too soon for a big move yo, thats it
Damn what if Cody and Enzo make it to final 2 without ever going on the block. Enzo just won HOH so he’s never seeing the block
Enzo needs to cut Cody eventually if he has the chance
worst season I’ve ever watched by far
feel like they need to update the game slightly to prevent a large alliance from forming week one. Survivor is a different game, but it's impossible to just roll with a big group to the end. So many people had no chance of winning this season from the jump.
Can’t blame alliance game
It’s all stars not a regular season
I was mad at first but naw it’s just how it is
Enzo needs to cut Cody eventually if he has the chance
If he was smart he’d take Christmas to final 2