Don't really get the idea might have to read about it more
But Bill Gates is helping the world in so many ways
And is so genuine
Whatever he thinks is best I'd do it
Dude had a TED talk like 3 years ago talking bout "We are not ready for a next pandemic"
He basically predicted this happening and no one listened
Now we have to learn on the go
And I believe Bill is the one person that actually was prepared for this and knows what areas need instant improvement
I'm on my phone but pls someone post OPs avi
I swear there's no better situation to post someone's avi
Bill Gates has donated 36 BILLION dollars to charity
He is going to give up almost 90 Billion in his will
And a dude with an alien avi is telling me Bill Gates isn't genuine and doesn't deserve our trust
When aliens do it it's all panic and people scared. But Bill Gates wanna do yall like that and it's all cool and peeps line up their arms.
When aliens do it it's all panic and people scared. But Bill Gates wanna do yall like that and it's all cool and peeps line up their arms.
Im saying
All I see is Bill Gates talking about the fact that he's more concerned by the people dying in the poorest countries on the planet then middle class being butthurt Microsoft used some kind of loophole to decrees the amount of money they had to give away
Let's fckn hate Bill Gates bc he gave up 36Billion instead of giving 100% of his wealth at once
boo hoo
Yeah, Man
People tend to push their own agenda no matter what they see or hear
It applies to you
It applies to me
But there are people literally killing other people or killing our planet and you decided to hate on a guy that devoted his life to at least trying to help others
f*** me, right?
The reaction to this outbreak is grossly out of proportion with the statistics of how deadly it is. 80% of deaths are from the elderly, 90% of people who've died from this virus has preexisting co-morbidity disorders, 65% of people who died are either habitual smokers or obese. Basically, those with failing health are at risk of dying from a virus, like any virus. The recovery rate is and has always been over 90%, yet the ENTIRE WORLD is shut down. Then, conveniently, you start hearing stirring talk about microchipping to "broaden health care". This whole s*** also could have been prevented if wet markets were shut down in China after SARS almost 20 years ago, if the vaccine being developed for this wasn't halted in 2016 due to lack of funding, citing that it "wouldn't be profitable", and if for the last year and change China had more adequately suppressed the spread of this virus when it did break out initially. Global powers knew this would happen and did f*** all to stop it. The virus isn't fake or lab-engineered, that's a bit too deranged. But they gave the virus all the tools it needed to break out, and sat back and waited. Once the world has suffered enough, the economy is in complete disarray, and people genuinely believe there is an unstoppable killer virus around every corner waiting to spread into a pandemic, they will be so confused and afraid that you will be able to convince droves of them to turn themselves into living GPSes that are monitored under the globalist technofascist panopticon that will subsume our world this decade.
Bill Gates has donated 36 BILLION dollars to charity
He is going to give up almost 90 Billion in his will
And a dude with an alien avi is telling me Bill Gates isn't genuine and doesn't deserve our trust
Bro Bill ISN’T gonna see this
Our phones are already tracking everywhere we go and everything we say, so this won’t make much of a difference
Still not gonna get a chip installed in me or anything, but yeah
Bro worst case you can f***ing ditch a phone if needed. Nigga how you gonna ditch a digital chip?