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  • Jun 6, 2022

    Last few episodes have been so dark
    Barry is pretty much irredeemable atp

  • Jun 6, 2022

    sad episode. I think they can wrap it up next episode tbh. Maybe leave a few things open for next season, but most of it seems like they can I think.

  • Jun 6, 2022

    Greatest show on television. True art. Wow.

  • Jun 6, 2022

    New episode was intense

  • Jun 6, 2022
    2 replies

    Also Sally is going to kill someone I can feel it

  • Jun 6, 2022
    1 reply

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this show and this season has been incredible, but I find it very hard to believe that this season will wrap up everything in motion rn with one more episode.

    Guess that's what S4 is for

  • Jun 6, 2022
    3 replies
    Kanye 2024

    Also Sally is going to kill someone I can feel it

    Yeah I can totally see her hitting Barry up for a job

  • Jun 6, 2022
    gay shoes

    Yeah I can totally see her hitting Barry up for a job

    I knew they’d find a way to make it work!

  • Jun 6, 2022
    1 reply
    gay shoes

    Yeah I can totally see her hitting Barry up for a job

    she still has no clue abt him being a hitman

  • Jun 6, 2022

    she still has no clue abt him being a hitman


    I meant later down the line dawg

  • Jun 6, 2022

    wonder what jim moss is gonna do 🤔

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    Jun 6, 2022

    i have a feeling next week’s episode will end with Albert shooting Barry but i have no idea how a S4 would work if that happens

  • when the intro didnt have the song i already knew s*** was gonna get crazy

  • i wonder how the barry and sally storylines will connect

  • Jun 6, 2022
    4 replies

    hader on the last ep

    “I will say that the finale is incredibly intense,” Hader warned. “There’s not a lot of jokes in it. A couple of the actors have seen it and called me crying (laughs). Our colorist, very sweet guy, said, ‘It usually takes me a day to do one of these episodes.’ He said, ‘Episode 8 took me a couple of days, because I kept on having to take breaks.’ I showed all the episodes to the writers, and one of our writers in the middle of Episode 8 had a full-blown panic attack. So, I just want to warn people (laughs). Episode 8 is very intense, but I personally really love it, and I didn’t see another place the show could go.”

  • Jun 6, 2022

    hader on the last ep

    “I will say that the finale is incredibly intense,” Hader warned. “There’s not a lot of jokes in it. A couple of the actors have seen it and called me crying (laughs). Our colorist, very sweet guy, said, ‘It usually takes me a day to do one of these episodes.’ He said, ‘Episode 8 took me a couple of days, because I kept on having to take breaks.’ I showed all the episodes to the writers, and one of our writers in the middle of Episode 8 had a full-blown panic attack. So, I just want to warn people (laughs). Episode 8 is very intense, but I personally really love it, and I didn’t see another place the show could go.”

    holy s***

  • Jun 6, 2022

    Honestly I am out on this show. The break between S2 and S3 was way too long and even watching a bunch of recaps can't get me back into this world. Solid show I'm just out


  • Jun 6, 2022
    1 reply

    3 years is a long ass time to remember what every character's relationship is with each other lol. Don't really have the time/interest to rewatch. I remember loving the 2 seasons I did watch I'm just not at all interested watching season 3

    Almost every show took an extended break due to the pandemic watch a YouTube recap and keep it pushing bro

  • Jun 6, 2022

    hader on the last ep

    “I will say that the finale is incredibly intense,” Hader warned. “There’s not a lot of jokes in it. A couple of the actors have seen it and called me crying (laughs). Our colorist, very sweet guy, said, ‘It usually takes me a day to do one of these episodes.’ He said, ‘Episode 8 took me a couple of days, because I kept on having to take breaks.’ I showed all the episodes to the writers, and one of our writers in the middle of Episode 8 had a full-blown panic attack. So, I just want to warn people (laughs). Episode 8 is very intense, but I personally really love it, and I didn’t see another place the show could go.”

    someone dying

  • Jun 6, 2022

    I'm already so excited for season 4. Bill Hader is such a goddamn genius

  • Jun 6, 2022
    1 reply

    There is no way in f*** Barry survives.

    He has so many people out to kill him

    I'm just accepting it.

  • Jun 6, 2022

    hader on the last ep

    “I will say that the finale is incredibly intense,” Hader warned. “There’s not a lot of jokes in it. A couple of the actors have seen it and called me crying (laughs). Our colorist, very sweet guy, said, ‘It usually takes me a day to do one of these episodes.’ He said, ‘Episode 8 took me a couple of days, because I kept on having to take breaks.’ I showed all the episodes to the writers, and one of our writers in the middle of Episode 8 had a full-blown panic attack. So, I just want to warn people (laughs). Episode 8 is very intense, but I personally really love it, and I didn’t see another place the show could go.”

  • Jun 6, 2022
    Bo Ceephus

    There is no way in f*** Barry survives.

    He has so many people out to kill him

    I'm just accepting it.

    I just don’t get what they’d do for season 4 then

  • Jun 6, 2022
    gay shoes

    Guess that's what S4 is for

    I don’t want S4 to be just S3 P2 though. Each episode this season has been incredible but leaves me with greater dissatisfaction/thirst as far as plot resolution goes (keep in mind this is not me saying I’m dissatisfied with the plot itself). Like none of what has been introduced this season has felt anywhere close to “resolved”.

    If that makes sense lmao

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