Barry best show out real ones know
I’d put Better Call Saul over it but Barry quickly ascending the ranks
I’d put Better Call Saul over it but Barry quickly ascending the ranks
And Atlanta and Succession personally... But Barry is REALLY good
Better Call Saul
The top 5 shows on TV have BABES as an acronym
Better Call Saul
The top 5 shows on TV have BABES as an acronym
trying to sneak euphoria in there
Better Call Saul
The top 5 shows on TV have BABES as an acronym
Been hearing good things about Severance. Havent been able to peep yet
Been hearing good things about Severance. Havent been able to peep yet
I totally forgot I was in the middle of that show ahahah thanks for reminding me. It’s really good but wouldn’t put it in the same tier of enjoyment as those others IMO but my opinion may change through the second half of the season
Is this the best episode of Barry?
Been hearing good things about Severance. Havent been able to peep yet
Might have to peep after all these shows are done, rotation too full rn
I just binged this show after seeing a clip of it online. Ngl, from seeing ads of this show on trains and busses i thought it was a parody of Dexter but its actually really good. I wonder if any of yall had that experience?
I’m ready
Barry Sundays, BCS Mondays
Reminds me of those Succession/Curb double feature Sunday nights from last winter
Might have to peep after all these shows are done, rotation too full rn
Gonna see northman now
150 mins