dua is more of a single driven artist, i feel. she doesn't really have a built in cult fanbase like someone like gaga has, so she relies a lot on hits to keep herself in the mainstream, which isn't really bad, she's just not an album artist. the downfall of that is that the artists who do have built in cult fanbases will always be doing big numbers even with no hits (harry styles did around 480k with his last album), which means if dua starts flopping or radio stops playing her, she's done. look at what happened to katy perry for reference.
I do feel like she has gained more of a cult fanbase through this era though
Obviously it isn’t certifiable proof but just by looking at twitter you’ll see a lot more stans/ fans of her then usual as well as how highly she’s been praised by critics
Like obviously not on a Harry Styles or Gaga level but she is still in the earlier stages of her career
damn that leak and push forward with pretty much no promo hurt dua hard
album still great though
She was supposed to be the new age pop star but fumbled
That’s a flop for Dua Lipa right? I thought she was pretty popular here
she's not big in the US and her promo has been ruined with coronavirus + release date had to be pushed up bc of a leak
still an L but she has other markets to fall back to where she's huge
Sales aside, Dua still has AOTY.
45k with a Drake and Rihanna feature 😭Since Drake stans always like to bring up numbers in a argument of who is a better artist then to your logic whole ovo crew is trash!
album was leaked and she had to push it forward
a long with pretty much no promo run because of rona it makes sense though I would've expected a bit more tbh
and she's still seen mostly as a singles artist in the US
edit: also no ticket bundling/ other bundling unless I'm mistaken
The albums being promoted all over social media what do u mean no promo cos of rona? Most promo is online anyway it’s 2020 man
The albums being promoted all over social media what do u mean no promo cos of rona? Most promo is online anyway it’s 2020 man
? a traditional promo run, not literally no promo lol
interviews and especially live performances that give an artist promo/ big moments which can influence both the gp's listening and online presence
it's why a lot of artists are currently delaying albums, I'm sure Dua would have if the album didn't leak as well
promo runs help bring interest into an artist, it's why literally every artist on major label has to do somewhat of a promo run to fill a quota, if you're gonna deny promo runs being important then idk what to tell you