Tom MacDonald bout to be the number one artist in the world now
"Wow, dude. I dont like this style of music but this is the best thing Ive heard in a long time. So many people think they are "woke"... this dude is the real woke. People need to take notes."
if they had IG live in the 90s, s*** would've been legendary
2pac would be dissing biggie on IG live
snippet game would be going crazy too
i literally think about this all the time lmfao
that and the twitter onlyfans thing yeah there’s def a desperate pattern going on
kinda scared ngl
Why do u guys keep saying sh*t is dead like we're clearly not the target market for these things
Why do u guys keep saying sh*t is dead like we're clearly not the target market for these things
i don’t get what ur tryna say ngl
His music is so f***ing bad man
i try to be tolerant of s*** other people listen to that i dont like, but damn he really shouldnt exist
i try to be tolerant of s*** other people listen to that i dont like, but damn he really shouldnt exist
His rapping and beats suck. Not to mention his tattoos, piercings and hairstyle are horrifically ugly
i don’t get what ur tryna say ngl
We're not the users of Facebook and we're complaining about them implementing this when Facebook obviously did there due diligence on there user base to give this the green light