Need someone to watch this for me
I don't have it in me anymore, but wanna know how it ends
Two eps have aired.
Not a single Billions fan on KTT?
I'm a big fan of Billions too. I'm caught up so far on the final season.
Great show.
Need someone to watch this for me
I don't have it in me anymore, but wanna know how it ends
If you wanna know how it ends so bad, just watch it lol
It's the final season, so if you hung on this far, you might as well finish it so you can see how everything concludes.
I'm a big fan of Billions too. I'm caught up so far on the final season.
Great show.
Are you feeling the stop a fascist angle they are taking? Wonder what Chuck's next move will be?
Are you feeling the stop a fascist angle they are taking? Wonder what Chuck's next move will be?
wtf they are doing this too?
wtf they are doing this too?
Yeah they went kinda Succession with it. Price quoted Mein Kampf during a rant and Wend is now morally opposed to putting him in office
Finally got free time, is the last szn worth watching? The szn before that when axe comes back felt a lil cheesy