wtf this s*** means bro 😭😭
Just in time for my 3 hour flight on the 16th
LMFAO yo i remember watching a tiktok that has the same concept as the first preview thinking “damn this would be a crazy black mirror episode”
There’s no way this bullshit is getting a 6th season
It’s already gotten a 6th season.
There’s no way this bullshit is getting a 6th season
Hasn't been real good since season 3
But they keep getting bigger stars so Netflix is bankrolling them hard
But I agree even though we might get one more fire episode it's kind of run it's course.
There’s no way this bullshit is getting a 6th season
Pretty much the ultimate example of diminishing returns
Hasn't been real good since season 3
But they keep getting bigger stars so Netflix is bankrolling them hard
But I agree even though we might get one more fire episode it's kind of run it's course.
Wow the mental Olympics someone gotta go through to convince themselves that Season 4 isn’t good just to keep up the illusion that this show “fell off”….impressive
Wow the mental Olympics someone gotta go through to convince themselves that Season 4 isn’t good just to keep up the illusion that this show “fell off”….impressive
By this logic. It's latest season was still ass.
And now it's coming back years later and it doesn't look much better.
Season 4 wasn't trash, but it wasn't it's peak either.
I would bet the show has run it's course but we're all gonna watch and see how it goes