The last new game of the year for man. Nothing else coming close to capturing my attention
I'm hyped for this. Looks like one of the few actual next gen titles coming out
What's next gen about it aside from graphics
The last new game of the year for man. Nothing else coming close to capturing my attention
What's next gen about it aside from graphics
Nothing else really but that’s ok.
Graphics wise it looks like a true next gen game.
The last new game of the year for man. Nothing else coming close to capturing my attention
Nah echoes of wisdom def a goty contender but I’m excited for both
The last new game of the year for man. Nothing else coming close to capturing my attention
Sparking Zero October 10th (October 7th with deluxe/Ultimate edition pre order)
Get that ass ready. Game went gold.
Get that ass ready. Game went gold.
I wish this meant it's gonna be great.
Crazy when they first showed this I thought this wasn't ever gonna come out. Same way I felt about Crimson Desert and still feel. At least wukong has been showing media over the years. They showed 2 trailers for CD and that's it. I know you didn't ask about all that lol just had to throw it in there cuz CD looked phenomenal especially if they can fix the framerate.
Anyways I'm reading previews say AAA companies and other indie devs need to take note for wukong. Exciting. I'm still concerned about the level design and exploration aspects plus will it have a decent length and story
Crazy when they first showed this I thought this wasn't ever gonna come out. Same way I felt about Crimson Desert and still feel. At least wukong has been showing media over the years. They showed 2 trailers for CD and that's it. I know you didn't ask about all that lol just had to throw it in there cuz CD looked phenomenal especially if they can fix the framerate.
Anyways I'm reading previews say AAA companies and other indie devs need to take note for wukong. Exciting. I'm still concerned about the level design and exploration aspects plus will it have a decent length and story
Dude I was so hyped about crimson desert. That s*** won't come out for like 5 years. It looks so ambitious.
I want it though. I do.
I am shocked this is still releasing though. China ain't playing.
expectations are super low for this
if they pull it off it will be an amazing suprise
but not really anticipating much from this, feel like it could be texh demo territory
Sparking Zero October 10th (October 7th with deluxe/Ultimate edition pre order)
Do you know how many times I’ve went through the dbz story? In games/media?
Looks phenomenal. Just want to see how actual fleshed out it is but it looks like a full fledged experience
Do you know how many times I’ve went through the dbz story? In games/media?
I've never gotten tired of it but i wish they would start in og dragon ball
I've played dark souls, Japanese dark souls, Gothic dark souls, open world dark souls, Pinocchio souls, now I get to experience Chinese dark souls.
This one looks really good though
Goleee this looks so good