PSA: You can easily farm Mind Core (the things you need for the upgrade pills of Xu Dog) from the horse armor guys (both shield and no shield) in Chapter 2
I bjust figured this out cuz i was topping off a level after i visited Xu Dog and two out of 3 horse armor guys gave me Mind Cores
The dad is dead tho? Cause we traveled back in time you know
Really? Oh no i did not know that :deadclap:
I thot its just where dude has been that the rat father also mentions when you first meet them that theyre waiting your return
And the boar when you first go thru the door first mentions the beetle is still around and is a danger to get the treasure
If it is true then that makes more sense why his sons went crazy eventually without any guidance
Why does the destined one speak at the intro of the game and never again? For those who beat it is this touched on?
Why does the destined one speak at the intro of the game and never again? For those who beat it is this touched on?
Wukong is the one talking in the introd The Destined One isnt Wukong. Wukong gets „killed“ while rebelling against the Celestial Court. But he send out his power in form of relics into the mortal world.
And our protagonist is basically one of many monkey supposed to collect them all.
Wukong is the one talking in the introd The Destined One isnt Wukong. Wukong gets „killed“ while rebelling against the Celestial Court. But he send out his power in form of relics into the mortal world.
And our protagonist is basically one of many monkey supposed to collect them all.
I see. Got them confused cause they’re both monkeys. Thanks
Why does the destined one speak at the intro of the game and never again? For those who beat it is this touched on?
Yeah youre not the og
Youre basically offsprings in spirit energy
Would it be wise to keep crafting now armor or just upgrade my existing armor? I’m about to fight violet spider. Not sure if I wanna blow my fine gold threads on a new set
Captain Lotus Vision killed 1ST TRY
Edit: i can now open the locked purple doors
Would it be wise to keep crafting now armor or just upgrade my existing armor? I’m about to fight violet spider. Not sure if I wanna blow my fine gold threads on a new set
Im only on chapter 3 but i find using a armor to fit your build style better than just pure defense
Im still using bronze armor for its immobilized benefits since that the spell i contentrate on most, even tho i have 2 newer armor sets with better defense
I make up my defense in the pills from xu dog but also perfect dodges is another major of my build so my gameplan is basically "dont get hit" with perfect dodges and immobilize lol
The amount of enemy types in this game and the attention to detail for each one is insane
No wonder it took so long especially with it being their first full game experience
Bruhhhhhh y'all should've seen the humiliating move the final boss just did on me without physically hurting me
Bruhhhhhh y'all should've seen the humiliating move the final boss just did on me without physically hurting me
HOLD UP I just missed a major boss fight in another area. I'm backtracking. Final boss can wait (don't think I'd beat him tonight anyways).
holy f***, yellow loong was by far the hardest boss so far. i was stuck on him for over an hour
the grab attacks are really the only complaint i have so far regarding boss design. feels like all of them are essentially instant and offer very little window to dodge
i was getting perfect rock solid counters and yellow loong would just grab me right out of the start up animation for my follow up, so i couldn't even punish. i ended up having to dodge backwards whenever i got a rock solid counter which entirely defeats the purpose of rock solid
Chapter 3 creepy af with them tall ass yaoguis with the eyes then whatever that spirit s*** is taking you over
Got a staff that gives me an electric buff and dies electric damage during combo
Using that now, s***s hard af
This Hundred Eyed Daoist fight sucks. Not even a fun challenge just a d***head boss, the hit boxes are so f***ed and losing half your stamina is bullshit when you have to dodge so much
Also if those lightning attacks from the sky hit you once you’re just f***ed, I feel like when you get knocked down by one it’s pretty much impossible to dodge the next and so on
Holy s*** just beat the game for the second time and found out there’s a secret ending if you beat Arlang before doing the final boss, the first time around I did the final boss then Arlang
Anyways ng+ was aite, felt mostly too easy except for a couple bosses, they need to patch it honestly