  • Nov 30, 2020

    Swear it's a dog whistle

  • Nov 30, 2020

    black on black crime is a term used specifically in the context of racially motivated violence, thus using any of these terms specifically corroborates with the context of racial/hate violence

    and even if black people kill more white people compared to other relationships, WHY they are killed is a vastly different story. White people aren’t being lynched or shot for running in a neighborhood

    I think you’re a bit confused on the term. Nobody ever said that black people are killing other black people for being black.

    It’s pretty just used to downplay other violence against black people, as in “why are you worried about a few police shootings when black people are killing other black people every day”.

  • Nov 30, 2020

    It is real, but not in the way people like to spin it.

    Blacks do not kill other blacks because of race or because of the color of their skin. Same for Asian on Asian crime and killings, for example.

    So people turning to “why do people care so much about cops killing blacks and not about enter inner city violence hub jere” is so inane and frustrating.

    People holding civilians to the same standards as cops are despicable

  • Nov 30, 2020

    they use it to counter the discussion of police violence enacted on black people when it really is its own separate issue.


    apples and oranges

  • Nov 30, 2020
    2 replies
    Will Fujiwara

    It don't exist, that's true but our culture promotes killin with our music which is partly why crime is higher in our communities than others. Gotta keep it a buck.

    Bullshit, this is like blaming video games for violence, it's more a case of material circumstances

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    Black on black crime is definitely a thing, it just doesn’t invalidate other issues stemming from outside of the black community, and that’s the only reason it’s ever really mentioned

    Of course you'd think it's real, weren't you on stormfront?

  • Nov 30, 2020
    Villainous B

    Of course you'd think it's real, weren't you on stormfront?

    You’re a f***ing idiot lmao

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Bullshit, this is like blaming video games for violence, it's more a case of material circumstances

    eh.. but there’s no culture around video games that says if you’re playing cod but not really shooting guns irl you’re fake. Like when you see a white kid from the suburbs shouting lyrics about gangs you look at it a way.

    I’m not saying rap makes people violent, but it definitely perpetuates it a little bit in a way that video games don’t.

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply

    "black on black crime" isn't any kind of statement on motive" is a very weird thing to say about the most obvious dogwhistle in politics lol.

  • Nov 30, 2020

    "Black on Black" crime is propaganda term used by individuals who don't actually care about inner city violence.

  • Nov 30, 2020


  • Nov 30, 2020

    "black on black crime" isn't any kind of statement on motive" is a very weird thing to say about the most obvious dogwhistle in politics lol.

    Seems like about the only normal thing to say to someone who was portraying “black on black crime” as racist attacks that black people carry out on other black people, but you do you

  • Nov 30, 2020
    1 reply
    Villainous B

    Bullshit, this is like blaming video games for violence, it's more a case of material circumstances

    those two things are not the same

    you don't see folks out here reenacting modern warfare 2 breaching missions or having real life team deathmatch

    but you do see people, especially younger kids, reciting these hood ass bars word for word and throwing up gang signs they saw in music videos. playing with guns on ig live, flashin money, d****, just like they see these rappers do

    you might not think it, but that does have some affect on how kids are brought up and how they chose to make decisions.

  • JaeRell

    "Black on Black" crime is propaganda term used by individuals who don't actually care about inner city violence.

  • Nov 30, 2020
    frank 2022

    eh.. but there’s no culture around video games that says if you’re playing cod but not really shooting guns irl you’re fake. Like when you see a white kid from the suburbs shouting lyrics about gangs you look at it a way.

    I’m not saying rap makes people violent, but it definitely perpetuates it a little bit in a way that video games don’t.

    But again that's not true, rap itself is a reflection of the material circumstances a lot of these rappers grow into, they are saying a lot of the things they say because that's their reality even before rap is factored in.

  • Nov 30, 2020
    Will Fujiwara

    those two things are not the same

    you don't see folks out here reenacting modern warfare 2 breaching missions or having real life team deathmatch

    but you do see people, especially younger kids, reciting these hood ass bars word for word and throwing up gang signs they saw in music videos. playing with guns on ig live, flashin money, d****, just like they see these rappers do

    you might not think it, but that does have some affect on how kids are brought up and how they chose to make decisions.

    Then wouldn't it just perpetuate violence in general, because as much niggas don't want to admit it, white kids are raps biggest audience, no other music reflects the spirit of the times quite like rap