You’ve had some questionable posts but this is the one that seals the deal. You blocked.
You’ve had some questionable posts but this is the one that seals the deal. You blocked.
I can explain it very easily. Just because our skin tone is the same doesn’t make us the same people. We all know native Americans originally had this skin tone, same with the Olmecs AND the Aboriginal Australians. ARE THEY AFRICANS?
Overall, u need to listen to Slave Narratives! These are autobiographies told from slaves aka our ancestors! Read books on white people coming over here, they knew we weren’t African! We’re f***in different brotha!
There are AFRO-Asians are they Africans? Dude, don’t fall for the skin tone hype. We’ve all seen the Prince of Egypt. Moses himself, having the same skin tone as the Egyptians, realized he wasn’t one of them. He was Gods chosen.
At the birth of Jesus, his family fled to EGYPT to blend in! Are they African? No but their melanin pigment allowed them to blend in with the Egyptian culture.
In the Bible they called Simon “The Niger or ” Simon is a Hebrew. He’s not a Hamite.
White people are not european
imma keep it real witchyou chief you shoulda kept this one in the drafts
Caught in your emotions rather doing dilligent research.
literally slavs
Not that much slavs went to america tho
The US gvt considers afghan whites but not spaniards race is a myth
See modern white people like the Trumps and the ancient Romans actually originate from Jordan, Africa.
White people are actually Hebrew. This doesn’t make them a Jew but they are indeed semetic AND the brothers of black people.
The US gvt considers afghan whites but not spaniards race is a myth
That could be a class thing. Black and white are legal classes according to the law. Northern Africans are considered white as well
Op knows.
Also, asians are not oriental. Y’all been lied to in so many ways that for us who know is funny af
See modern white people like the Trumps and the ancient Romans actually originate from Jordan, Africa.
White people are actually Hebrew. This doesn’t make them a Jew but they are indeed semetic AND the brothers of black people.
Trump is lowkey African but black people aren't?
See modern white people like the Trumps and the ancient Romans actually originate from Jordan, Africa.
White people are actually Hebrew. This doesn’t make them a Jew but they are indeed semetic AND the brothers of black people.
Nah first wave of white people were farmers from modern day turkey who then got replaced by pastoral tribes from the caucasus who murdered most men in europe and raped their women, making it the first genocide 5000 years ago
Also jordan is not in africa
Trump is lowkey African but black people aren't?
Trump isn’t African either. He’s semetic. Blacks are semetic. The so called Jews in Israel are Japhetic.
It’s simple
Blacks = Semetic
Trump = Semetic
Arabs = Semetic
Obama = Hamitic
Jewish people = Japhetic
Trump isn’t African either. He’s semetic. Blacks are semetic. The so called Jews in Israel are Japhetic.
It’s simple
Blacks = Semetic
Trump = Semetic
Arabs = Semetic
Obama = Hamitic
Jewish people = Japhetic