  • Oct 7, 2021
    2 replies

    Sad about the 15 yr olds, glad the 25 yr old got popped. Why he f***ing with kids

    The 25 yo was a teacher man can y’all read in here.

  • Oct 7, 2021
    2 replies

    man thinks a 18 year old didn’t accidentally shoot a teacher or employee in process

    "A 25-year-old teacher was one of the four people injured in the Arlington school shooting"

    Man thought a 25 year old was in class bullying some kid?

  • Oct 7, 2021
    2 replies

    "cause of intimidation"

    read the whole post my friend.

    “ intimidation “

    Picks up gun and shoots school

    Choose one

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    “ intimidation “

    Picks up gun and shoots school

    Choose one

    (If I was in that boy shoes) I'm picking the one that doesn't get me killed or severely injured for "snitching"

  • 1887

    "A 25-year-old teacher was one of the four people injured in the Arlington school shooting"

    Man thought a 25 year old was in class bullying some kid?

    Like it’s crazy actually watching people immediately jump to “ the 25 year old was a bully and deserved it “ my article didn’t say the 25 year old was a teacher I just gathered that from the fact it was a school shooting during school hours

  • Oct 7, 2021

    yeah. this is way different from nic cruz or columbine.

    It's like that one kid at the Bronx school that stabbed his bully to death cause he was bullying him for being gay.

    He still deserves to go to jail but these kind of incidents show how the school ultimately failed these kids. Which sucks cause teachers already don't get paid enough just to teach and we gotta expect them to be counselors and crisis managers and damn near enforcers all at the same time.

    It's a lose/lose situation compounded by a government that doesn't give a f*** about its education system. Cause if it did, we'd probably could start decreasing school shootings/violence at school entirely.

    How’s it different from those cases?

  • insertcoolnamehere

    (If I was in that boy shoes) I'm picking the one that doesn't get me killed or severely injured for "snitching"

    He was getting severely injured either way . He not the parent. I’m talking about his mom

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    i can’t tell if there are even real people itt

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Not comparable to the typical loser shooting spree at all although still f***ed up.

    Fight them, catch up solo, literally do anything else besides this.

    Many school shootings are due to severe bullying just like cases like this.

    You guys can't chalk up everything to loserdom lol

  • 1887

    "A 25-year-old teacher was one of the four people injured in the Arlington school shooting"

    Man thought a 25 year old was in class bullying some kid?

    This article that @ShintaroKago posted mentions nothing about a 25 year old teacher. Only other teacher mentioned is a pregnant one who got injured when she fell over running away. So ion know he acting like people who are confused about a 25 year old male being present are weird.

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    i can’t tell if there are even real people itt


  • Oct 7, 2021
    2 replies

    The 25 yo was a teacher man can y’all read in here.

    Idk why niggas instantly sexualize kids these days.

    See "25 year old" and immediately think he's f***ing them

  • Oct 7, 2021


    u gotta solve this captcha test first

  • Oct 7, 2021

    The 25 yo was a teacher man can y’all read in here.

  • Oct 7, 2021
    2 replies

    yeah. this is way different from nic cruz or columbine.

    It's like that one kid at the Bronx school that stabbed his bully to death cause he was bullying him for being gay.

    He still deserves to go to jail but these kind of incidents show how the school ultimately failed these kids. Which sucks cause teachers already don't get paid enough just to teach and we gotta expect them to be counselors and crisis managers and damn near enforcers all at the same time.

    It's a lose/lose situation compounded by a government that doesn't give a f*** about its education system. Cause if it did, we'd probably could start decreasing school shootings/violence at school entirely.

    It’s different because it’s targeted ? He also shot a teacher

    Them columbine niggas felt bullied by whole school and that everyone was guilty for not stepping in

    If he was being Stripped naked robbed and beaten why was no one else stepping in ? Teachers that knew , students , police , teacher administration ? By your logic they are all guilty not just the kids who did it

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Idk why niggas instantly sexualize kids these days.

    See "25 year old" and immediately think he's f***ing them

    I'm surprised this is the conclusion you came to

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Many school shootings are due to severe bullying just like cases like this.

    You guys can't chalk up everything to loserdom lol

    Not all bullying is same, this kid was getting physically beat

    The Columbine kids were bullied but never physically assaulted. That’s archetype for most school shootings in suburban communities

  • Not Like Josuke

    Idk why niggas instantly sexualize kids these days.

    See "25 year old" and immediately think he's f***ing them

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    “ intimidation “

    Picks up gun and shoots school

    Choose one

    Tiny brain post

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    This guy f***s with kids

    projection your honor

  • Oct 7, 2021
    2 replies

    Tiny brain post

    It’s easier to pick up a gun and shoot up a school then call the police on someone who stripped and beat you ?

  • HaroldsChicken

    projection your honor

    Again I have no idea why you acting like this when YOU linked an article that doesn't mention anything about any other teacher besides the pregnant one.

    An article that you ain't even read yourself and said the kid shot a pregnant teacher. Calm ya s*** down b.

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    It’s easier to pick up a gun and shoot up a school then call the police on someone who stripped and beat you ?

    How do the police treat black people in America you idiot

  • Oct 7, 2021

    I'm surprised this is the conclusion you came to

    Im just responding to people thinking the only reason a 25 year old would be in a school is if hes messing around with kids and not cus he works there or something

  • Oct 7, 2021
    1 reply

    this is gonna be a interesting thread
