  • Jun 29, 2020

    damn. surely that wouldn't even hold up in court

    must suck to be a kpop-star :(

    Foreal man šŸ˜•

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Jisoo needed more parts in playing with fire, she killed the ones she had

    Same goes for as if its your last, though that song's ruined by the hook anyway imo

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Jisoo needed more parts in playing with fire, she killed the ones she had

    Same goes for as if its your last, though that song's ruined by the hook anyway imo

    Funny I only like the pre hook and hook on that song. The production on the verses throws me tf off lmao.

    And Sooya needs more lines in general

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Funny I only like the pre hook and hook on that song. The production on the verses throws me tf off lmao.

    And Sooya needs more lines in general

    I kinda like the production lol
    And facts. I wish they didn't force rap parts in literally EVERY song. Lisa can sing just fine too. Would leave space for more sung verses and more Jisoo and would make some of the songs sound less disjointed

  • Jun 29, 2020
    2 replies

    I kinda like the production lol
    And facts. I wish they didn't force rap parts in literally EVERY song. Lisa can sing just fine too. Would leave space for more sung verses and more Jisoo and would make some of the songs sound less disjointed

    Thats why I love DKWTD no raps

    Love when Jennie and Lisa rap but yea I wish Lisa sang more too

    Jisooā€™s voice is my favorite in the group

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Thats why I love DKWTD no raps

    Love when Jennie and Lisa rap but yea I wish Lisa sang more too

    Jisooā€™s voice is my favorite in the group

    My second fav BP song

    And agreed on the other things too, though I really love RosƩs voice too. Hope they both get a solo at one point, but I'm not trusting YG unfortunately. Terrible label

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    My second fav BP song

    And agreed on the other things too, though I really love RosƩs voice too. Hope they both get a solo at one point, but I'm not trusting YG unfortunately. Terrible label

    Roseā€™s solo is supposed to come out this September after the album so hopefully they donā€™t fumble that. Sheā€™s def has my 2nd favorite voice in the group.

    Thatā€™s my 2nd fav too whatā€™s your 1st?

  • Jun 29, 2020

    We need MORE raps

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Roseā€™s solo is supposed to come out this September after the album so hopefully they donā€™t fumble that. Sheā€™s def has my 2nd favorite voice in the group.

    Thatā€™s my 2nd fav too whatā€™s your 1st?

    Sounds promising, but if it does come out it'll probably just be a single that'll get no follow up for several years like they did with Jennie. So pointless.

    Definitely STAY. Love that one. What's your fav?

  • Jun 29, 2020

    Sounds promising, but if it does come out it'll probably just be a single that'll get no follow up for several years like they did with Jennie. So pointless.

    Definitely STAY. Love that one. What's your fav?

    Well they actually announced an EP for RosĆ© so letā€™s hope they follow through. She definitely deserves it. Apparently Lisaā€™s solo song is ready to go too and Jisoo is finishing hers up.

    My favorite is Forever Young. That and DKWTD are so similar so theyā€™re super close to each other, but the dance break down at the end and Jennieā€™s rap verse make that song better for me.

    I love STAY tho itā€™s my morning alarm hahaha.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Lisa is the one that has a bigger chance. She just needs to work with american producers and have some rap features.

    But I still think RosƩ's project will be better.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Thats why I love DKWTD no raps

    Love when Jennie and Lisa rap but yea I wish Lisa sang more too

    Jisooā€™s voice is my favorite in the group

    Great song.

    But I see them like TLC. So I like the fact that they mix singing with rapping.

    Rapping is not needed in every song though.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Lisa is the one that has a bigger chance. She just needs to work with american producers and have some rap features.

    But I still think RosƩ's project will be better.

    Well bigger chance at what?

    Lisa can 100% break out as a solo artist in America people here love her on Twitter and they donā€™t even know her name. RosĆ©ā€™s solo promotions for the comeback have gotten more views than Jennieā€™s too which never happens so clearly her individual fandom is rising as well. I think both of them can become huge soloists in the west, but Chaengā€™s success is more dependent on BPā€™s success in the west whereas Lisa can probably do it by herself no hassle.

    Being that Jennie is the most popular in Korea and clear 2nd favorite globally, I think her fame and fans will always be there. Will she continue to make music? Iā€™m not sure but even if she decides to just become a full time model/socialite I can still see her attaining a good amount of fame in the west. I can see Jennie being a future businesswoman for sure.

    Jisoo will probably always stay popular in Korea but idk about globally. If she became fluent in english she could probably become a huge actress globally since that is the reason she auditioned for YG in the first place. She has the best voice tho so I hope she continues to make music past BPā€™s time.

  • Jun 29, 2020

    Great song.

    But I see them like TLC. So I like the fact that they mix singing with rapping.

    Rapping is not needed in every song though.

    Facts. Iā€™ve heard the TLC comparison before too.

  • Jun 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Well bigger chance at what?

    Lisa can 100% break out as a solo artist in America people here love her on Twitter and they donā€™t even know her name. RosĆ©ā€™s solo promotions for the comeback have gotten more views than Jennieā€™s too which never happens so clearly her individual fandom is rising as well. I think both of them can become huge soloists in the west, but Chaengā€™s success is more dependent on BPā€™s success in the west whereas Lisa can probably do it by herself no hassle.

    Being that Jennie is the most popular in Korea and clear 2nd favorite globally, I think her fame and fans will always be there. Will she continue to make music? Iā€™m not sure but even if she decides to just become a full time model/socialite I can still see her attaining a good amount of fame in the west. I can see Jennie being a future businesswoman for sure.

    Jisoo will probably always stay popular in Korea but idk about globally. If she became fluent in english she could probably become a huge actress globally since that is the reason she auditioned for YG in the first place. She has the best voice tho so I hope she continues to make music past BPā€™s time.

    This could still go wrong like with Fifth Harmony.

    One blows up, the rest don't.

    Forgot about that Jenie track, that didn't go well.

  • Jun 29, 2020

    This could still go wrong like with Fifth Harmony.

    One blows up, the rest don't.

    Forgot about that Jenie track, that didn't go well.

    Yea :( it did amazing numbers cuz Blinks are loyal but even a good portion of Blinks hated on Jennie along with every single Kpop fandom that exists. I'm sure it took a great toll on her mental health but she looks happier now.

    As for the 5H s*** yeah it's super possible and most likely but the girls are also so beautiful and so globally well known I can def see each of them having at least a successful niche career post-BP.

  • Jun 29, 2020

    They all fine, but s*** happens. I thought Lauren Jauregui was gonna blow up almost as much as Camila, and here we are.

  • Nayuta šŸÆ
    Jun 29, 2020

    Can someone shop this into a smiley tho

  • Jul 3, 2020


  • Jul 3, 2020

    Ok its growing on me

  • Jul 3, 2020

    another record

  • Jul 9, 2020

    #33 on Billboard, damn. I never listened again tbh

  • Jul 23, 2020
    1 reply
  • Jul 23, 2020

    Ari would be nice.

  • Jul 23, 2020

    Please be Drake šŸ˜°

    But yeah, Ariana would be cool too. Hope itā€˜s not a Korean artist
