Videos for this album have been really nice. Your best vids forsure especially that soulmatez one
Ahhh what I’ve been waiting for
I’m so glad you like the album fr and yeah it’s definitely a mixture of being grateful that people are even listening to the music and feeling misunderstood
Like even now some of the early descriptions im seeing publications say about the album is “indie rock” “y2k” “nostalgic” “fun and carefree” dawg listen to the album i beg you!! but at the same time im grateful anybody is saying anything at all
Fun and carefree?
Damn you mustve sent them the instrumental review copy
@interstellarflyin2 @Q3D yo when yall get the chance can yall check this album out and tell me what u think 🙏🏿❤️
Luv it
This s*** is as brix my man
something about this album makes me wanna bawl my eyes out idk what it is maybe its right in front of me & i refuse to see it
anyways @Mitchell yall delivered yet again per usual. i remember being wildly impressed by cyberkiss walking away from it thinking "this how they coming they next album finna be very special" & here we are, it is. yall didn't disappoint not one bit. i appreciate how brutally honest everyone was on here
finna tap in 📲
This was so tight
something about this album makes me wanna bawl my eyes out idk what it is maybe its right in front of me & i refuse to see it
anyways @Mitchell yall delivered yet again per usual. i remember being wildly impressed by cyberkiss walking away from it thinking "this how they coming they next album finna be very special" & here we are, it is. yall didn't disappoint not one bit. i appreciate how brutally honest everyone was on here
i wonder what invokes that emotion in you but i definitely relate because this album makes me very sad tbh, but i think its a beautiful thing, sometimes life is sad
i look at the album like an a sad painting, its still colorful. we were sad while we were making the album and this is what came out i think
thank u so much for listening and for feeling with us it means a lot real s***
Listening tomorrow so I can give it my fun attention
Hell yeah cant wait to see what u think bro
Listening to whatever man then listening to saturn dayz is so jarring to me
Like damn life really kicked our ass, ill never be that kid again
The bridge on black children is very very pretty
Thank u so much that was my favorite part of the whole album!
Videos for this album have been really nice. Your best vids forsure especially that soulmatez one
Hell yea bro lowkey our videos were so ass for the last 2 projects we had to lock in
best bsk album easy, ahead of the game imo
thank u so much i agree i def think this is the best bsk album
@interstellarflyin2 @Q3D yo when yall get the chance can yall check this album out and tell me what u think 🙏🏿❤️
Listening to whatever man then listening to saturn dayz is so jarring to me
Like damn life really kicked our ass, ill never be that kid again
I just listened to "Whatever Man LP"
Wide-eyed and uneducated at nineteen
I can't rap like that, all young and naïve
Not after all the s*** I seen and the things I believe
Drastically changin', thank you for all your patience
I'm just in a different space and I choose to embrace it
Spun up disc 1 tonight (I copped on Bandcamp but will check out disc 2 in the coming days)
Really fond of this first record though, conceptually it's you guys at your most mature I'd say, it's to the point in its lyricism but never feels preachy or worse, pretentious (so many people with something to say often fall into this trap and in turn risk turning listeners against the actual message). It's a smart album, potent thematically but often wistful musically, luring you in with a false sense of security only to land its heaviest blows at the most unexpected moments.
I've said this before, but it feels like you guys continue to grow each and every album with your own confidence - you each know what you're about, where you strengths lie, and more importantly how effortlessly you can all get this to mesh on wax. It's a beautiful thing when it all comes together, and it's a little sad knowing I've only got eight more tracks of this ahead of me.
I'll get into a few specific tracks once I'm done with Heaven on Urf, but for now I'll just say it's a great record, plain and simple, and I'm excited for all of your future endeavours - with or without each other.
Listening tomorrow so I can give it my fun attention
I finally had time yesterday to give it a nonstop listen front to back
So good
video so hard