Exeter still one of my favs of the year lol it just wasn’t about the bars
Totally agree I love it and see the vision behind it. but it just wasn't as satisfying as the full length projects and a lot of people online were doubting him for it. This will certainly shut em up
rly never thought the guy that made eversince would go on to make elf girl occult music and i mean that as a compliment
noblest strive, valerie and exstasia for me
i’m on Noblest Strive rn this beat
i hope he does more music like girls just want to have fun or all i want next
he’s proven he has the ability to go even further into pop/dance music
Bruh y'all really know the song names and didn't enter into a semi cognizant trance rendering you incapable of the executive function required to understand written language
I love all the little sex/emo grunts bladee making on this album
yeah it's weird but tbh it adds a lot to the songs
lowkey shoulda put girls just want to have fun on this for the extra streams
his songwriting is nice on this
Impressive af. First listen of every song you have no clue if it's gonna be a gorgeous pop ballad or a classic drain banger. Most end up meeting in the middle
I’m gonna put this up there with eversince. It’s behind but Not a lot it’s second.