I seriously think Oh Well is one of Bladee’s best songs, the contrast between the song and his previous work is beautiful. Maybe not his best song song-wise but with the context behind it it’s just amazing and very uplifting
I seriously think Oh Well is one of Bladee’s best songs, the contrast between the song and his previous work is beautiful. Maybe not his best song song-wise but with the context behind it it’s just amazing and very uplifting
Unreal song. It's smack dab on the middle of so many incredible songs I'm not sure any will proper recognition individually.
The chorus on noblest strive is just phenomenally written. Everyone line builds up to the next line changing the meaning dramatically, but done in classic playful, tongue in cheek bladee style.
Endlessly reflecting in your gaze
With the mirror and it breaks
the production on this is stale af for a drain gang release but bladee did his thing
the production on this is stale af for a drain gang release but bladee did his thing
u got drums turned off or what
u got drums turned off or what
no i just don't find them that interesting. i liked his ep a bit more
This album hit different when you on the bus back from one of ur worst nights and the lights are all glowing fuzzy bc ur mask fogging up ur glasses
I wanna be the hero of my story
This album hit different when you on the bus back from one of ur worst nights and the lights are all glowing fuzzy bc ur mask fogging up ur glasses
I wanna be the hero of my story
This album hit different when you on the bus back from one of ur worst nights and the lights are all glowing fuzzy bc ur mask fogging up ur glasses
I wanna be the hero of my story
F*** :( feeling that right now
This album hit different when you on the bus back from one of ur worst nights and the lights are all glowing fuzzy bc ur mask fogging up ur glasses
I wanna be the hero of my story
Oh Well, play the cards you were given
This song is way too hard
What’s y’all fav songs on here?
wings in motion
dont worry
only one
noblest strive
What’s y’all fav songs on here?
Don't worry-valerie are all 10/10s besides 100s. (I know 100s is the most vintage drain song and very popular but it's not on the level of the rest of the album imo). Don't worry, hero, and noblest strive probably my top 3 but it's so hard
Don't worry-valerie are all 10/10s besides 100s. (I know 100s is the most vintage drain song and very popular but it's not on the level of the rest of the album imo). Don't worry, hero, and noblest strive probably my top 3 but it's so hard
100s almost reminds me of magic is strong