Just ordered 333 and icedancer vinyl sized posters for my crib. Super hyped I'll let everyone know how they come out
Just ordered 333 and icedancer vinyl sized posters for my crib. Super hyped I'll let everyone know how they come out
need 333 vinyl asap
Wanna be the hero of my story.
Everyone post top 3 songs
Mean girls
Reality surf
Keys to the city
Honorable mention: the rest of them
Hero of My Story 3style3
Mean Girls
Reality Surf
Those damn Swedes
There's Yokay 232 too... Swede, but I think he's in Atlanta. He got some of those emo vibez too. Must be that nordic depression lol.
ive played this album an unholy amount of times since it came out lol
amazing all the way through favorite song is finder or Only One, would be noblest but it makes me a bit too sad most of the time still got hundred+ on it