Cover looks dope, I googled who dude is. Idk if I wanna listen to it now lmao
Cover looks dope, I googled who dude is. Idk if I wanna listen to it now lmao
Cover looks dope, I googled who dude is. Idk if I wanna listen to it now lmao
How shallow
goat era ngl
this song lineup feels like a 2014 fever dream it really was crazy
this song lineup feels like a 2014 fever dream it really was crazy
the fast life...
whitearmor the goat
Most slept on producer. He’s Kanye/40 level to me. Really has his own lane.
Most slept on producer. He’s Kanye/40 level to me. Really has his own lane.
Big facts
just played the album in reverse order on 2nd listen
this is my favorite album this year man the vibes r next level w/ this one
really needed these positive sounds
can’t listen rn is it similar to exeter?
new sound
sorta like a mix of exeter, red light and trash island
can’t listen rn is it similar to exeter?
red light and exeter had a baby with some new sounds