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How, BR2049 was prime Villeneuve and Ridley Scott hasn't been in his prime for DECADES
How, BR2049 was prime Villeneuve and Ridley Scott hasn't been in his prime for DECADES
house of gucci out now
How, BR2049 was prime Villeneuve and Ridley Scott hasn't been in his prime for DECADES
Last Duel out now
house of gucci out now
HAHAHAHAHH house of gucci over OG Blade Runner & Alien? gtfo
HAHAHAHAHH house of gucci over OG Blade Runner & Alien? gtfo
i don't like sci-fi ridley
i don't like sci-fi ridley
to me those are his only classics
Most of his other films never go above being just fine for me
Refer to my above post but change HoG to LD
All I know is Ridley still has it and him returning to the Blade Runner universe is a great thing.
Denis got a few movies better than 2049 as well
A few? don't you dare say Dune please
All I know is Ridley still has it and him returning to the Blade Runner universe is a great thing.
I don't share that sentiment... Prometheus was a promising return to the Alien franchise but Alien Covenant was absolutely horrible and ruined the entire thing
Dune Arrival, possibly Sicario
Dune is just a lesser version of BR2049 in every way lol
It's true
Both sci-fi epics from already existing IPs
But BR2049 has the better score
A lot prettier to look at, much more colorful and the world is much more immersive and fun to be in
Also Dune is a pt 1 whereas BR2049 is a full story with an actual satisfying ending
It's true
Both sci-fi epics from already existing IPs
But BR2049 has the better score
A lot prettier to look at, much more colorful and the world is much more immersive and fun to be in
Also Dune is a pt 1 whereas BR2049 is a full story with an actual satisfying ending
It’s not true