It's crazy how you can connect with an album at a young age yet only fully understand it years later.
Such a beautiful thing.
Fr bro one of the most beautiful things about great art is that it grows along with you in a way.
Most of my fav albums are my fav albums cause of the melodies and sounds, flows and the meanings of metaphors n s***. But i didnt really resonate with most of the lyrics ive always loved until like 3 years ago lmfao
man. i was up all night i think and slept through the day after being on ktt 24/7 after endless. tensions were high as we heard murmurs of the rollout not being over. i took a nap and woke up at like 7 pm to find the thread exploding. i was distraught asl my first reaction lmao:\.
that first listen man
thanx 4 painting my adolescence
F*** i got posts right on that page. Im old as s***. Can’t wait to let the memories come in
Incredible day, incredible album.
Some of the most fun I've ever had on KTT as well.
Hawaii time meme had me f***in crying
Wow that’s crazy how it’s been 5 years already.
I vividly remember the release and listening throughout the summer
We need you back Frank
Phenomenal album, one of the greatest of our generation. It's so powerful I haven't even played it in years just because of how much it gets me in my feelings. This and BBTM are shelved in my mind until my next heartbreak
Endless used to be my favorite over Blonde until I experienced true heartbreak & rock bottom.
Now I am a #BlondeBeliever
I truly resonant with the lyrics and themes of Blonde.
I didn’t at 21, but I do now, at 26.
Thank you Frank.
To all the /r/frankocean gloaters, i'll tell you one thing. Frank Ocean is, and always will be, KTT territory. OUR territory. We will continue to control the internet with Frank news and speculation. So before you start talking s*** and bragging about your parody album, I'll have you know that we're well versed in downvote brigades. Say RIP to your karma if you try anything cute. A******s.
To all the /r/frankocean gloaters, i'll tell you one thing. Frank Ocean is, and always will be, KTT territory. OUR territory. We will continue to control the internet with Frank news and speculation. So before you start talking s*** and bragging about your parody album, I'll have you know that we're well versed in downvote brigades. Say RIP to your karma if you try anything cute. A******s.
I have very vivid memories surrounding this release. Remember exactly what I was doing when this dropped. Very special album
but we're so okay here, we're doing fine
primal and naked
you dream of walls that hold us in prison
it's just a skull, least that's what they call it
and we're free to roam
this dropped at the exact time in my life that I can consider this my favorite album of all time and probably won’t be topped for me.
didn’t even like it on the first listen but I was in my friend’s basement during his grad party listening off my phone 😅