In the late night.
46 minutes of 120 hours of the life of Frank Ocean.
2017 bro....(yee!)....I promise you bro.
You're listening to Blonde
"it came to me in a dream" – frank ocean creates a visual essay and pens personal letter. The generation-defining artist shoots two covers and a 32-page portfolio for i-D, and writes about peace, love, and Szechuan sauce.
Frank Ocean’s album Blonde was certified platinum, breaking one million units sold in an age when nobody seems to be paying for music. But the psychedelic future soul of Frank Ocean has always been about meaning, not numbers. For 032c Issue 33 (Winter 2017/18), music journalist Alex Needham got to the heart of Blonde in “The Artist is Absent,” a feature accompanied by a photo editorial shot by Petra Collins and styled by Mel Ottenberg.
Vogue Editorial - Met 2017 Through the Lens of Frank Ocean
If you liked 2017, you'll love 20XX.
Dude was on some god level s*** when this dropped
Blonded radio premiere of chanel was so live. no one could believe that song existed
Dope thread @op