hes better than steve lacy
What kinda comparison he’s like the founder of the style steve lacy occupies
What kinda comparison he’s like the founder of the style steve lacy occupies
it's not a real comparison that I entertain, I'm basically agreeing with what you're saying. niggas gassing Steve up a lot though but the man got the blueprint from him obvi
AUG 20 22
anyone plan on splitting this by track?
did anybody catch the price or quantity of the cds at each show?
not sure what quantity
Jesus Freak Lighter teaser dropped. Rollout for a new project might finally be starting instagram.com/reel/ChsEAohMkVp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Oh I’m
My boss is going to Harry's show tomorrow with her daughters and I got her to cop the live CD for me
Hopefully she knows where to get it lmao
I thought more fans would be ripping the CDs online but I guess not...
I thought more fans would be ripping the CDs online but I guess not...
Is it still just that one rip earlier in the thread?
From what I remember, Solange was upset that a lot of media/people were giving so much credit to Dev for the True EP - even though it was a collaboration in the most genuine way