My whole class was talking about they stayed up late listening to it over and over and you acting like it’s some mom and pop classic
At the time, no
If you’re doing something that challenges the status quo, it’s not mainstream
How is it not mainstream if it’s number one on billboard
Yes and we are arguing when Kendrick made the album he consciously knew it was something that the casual fan wouldnt spin in the whip. That’s all @fader is saying.
Kendrick made DAMN. and released HUmBLe, Love, DNA, and Loyalty as singles because he wanted it to be more commercially viable.
TPAB single was a different version on the album lol. The other single was TBTB and alright lol
When he made tpab he specifically said he is doing 8 intimate shows because he didn’t make the album for everyone. He made it to be enjoyed in that setting by a smaller group of people.
Thank you again for having common sense
you think that’s all the Jazz there lol?
i mean jazz is everywhere in every genre if you want my radical music major JAZZ STUDENT belief. but yeah you had those little intros and outro pallete cleansers but there's not one single actual JAZZ track on that album besides for free.
At the time, no
If you’re doing something that challenges the status quo, it’s not mainstream
oh you big stupid lol
Yes and we are arguing when Kendrick made the album he consciously knew it was something that the casual fan wouldnt spin in the whip. That’s all @fader is saying.
Kendrick made DAMN. and released HUmBLe, Love, DNA, and Loyalty as singles because he wanted it to be more commercially viable.
TPAB single was a different version on the album lol. The other single was TBTB and alright lol
When he made tpab he specifically said he is doing 8 intimate shows because he didn’t make the album for everyone. He made it to be enjoyed in that setting by a smaller group of people.
All of this does not make it a non-mainstream album release.
How is it not mainstream if it’s number one on billboard
Bro, if you’re a mainstream artist anything you release will top the charts.
Drake can drop a 20-track experimental math rock shoegaze album tomorrow and that s*** would debut at #1, that doesn’t make the album mainstream
At the time, no
If you’re doing something that challenges the status quo, it’s not mainstream
that…. Doesn’t make sense
I see what you are saying but @Nikedufflebag worded it better a few pages back
albums themselves dont just transition into mainstream or non mainstream just because the sounds in it become more accessible lol
you’re just using your own definition of what mainstream is but that’s not how most people see it
All of this does not make it a non-mainstream album release.
Bro please stop arguing a point I’m not making. Again it’s mainstream because it’s Kendrick.
But he didn’t make the music to dominate the charts or to be as commercially successful as his other more mainstream sounding albums.
That’s literally all we are saying 😂.
TPAB was a super risky album because of how NOT MAINSTREAM it was.
It ended up paying off big time in terms of how left field it was and gained him many accolades and respect in the years to come.
But reducing it to mainstream album when it literally isn’t is f***ing gaslighting
Yes and we are arguing when Kendrick made the album he consciously knew it was something that the casual fan wouldnt spin in the whip. That’s all @fader is saying.
Kendrick made DAMN. and released HUmBLe, Love, DNA, and Loyalty as singles because he wanted it to be more commercially viable.
TPAB single was a different version on the album lol. The other single was TBTB and alright lol
When he made tpab he specifically said he is doing 8 intimate shows because he didn’t make the album for everyone. He made it to be enjoyed in that setting by a smaller group of people.
You to this day don’t think there is commercial value to tpab during what we were and are dealing with ? He still didn’t make crazy track lengths and songs that clearly could be played on radio
This idea that he thought album wouldn’t sell because its heartfelt is quite goofy to me
I say this as someone who immediately knew I and alright were hits
oh you big stupid lol
You niggas just lack any type of critical thinking
Bro, if you’re a mainstream artist anything you release will top the charts.
Drake can drop a 20-track experimental math rock shoegaze album tomorrow and that s*** would debut at #1, that doesn’t make the album mainstream
...except it does. that makes it mainstream.
Mainstream artists DICTATING where music should go is exactly what artists USED to do.
TPAB was a super risky album because of how NOT MAINSTREAM it was.
It ended up paying off big time in terms of how left field it was and gained him many accolades and respect in the years to come.
But reducing it to mainstream album when it literally isn’t is f***ing gaslighting
Aight man enough yall too young
Bro please stop arguing a point I’m not making. Again it’s mainstream because it’s Kendrick.
But he didn’t make the music to dominate the charts or to be as commercially successful as his other more mainstream sounding albums.
That’s literally all we are saying 😂.
I'm not arguing anything, I'm saying that all of that does not make an album non-mainstream.
that…. Doesn’t make sense
I see what you are saying but @Nikedufflebag worded it better a few pages back
albums themselves dont just transition into mainstream or non mainstream just because the sounds in it become more accessible lol
you’re just using your own definition of what mainstream is but that’s not how most people see it
I never said these words
Aight man enough yall too young
#thempeople won
got niggas thinking if it's not distorted 808s on it that drown out vocals or talking about something negative then it's not a mainstream album smmfh.
#thempeople won
got niggas thinking if it's not distorted 808s on it that drown out vocals or talking about something negative then it's not a mainstream album smmfh.
Nobody said any of this btw
Nobody said any of this btw
-literally said WLR isn't a mainstream album.
This is such a random thing to even make an argument for like wtf lmao
I shoulda just called DAMN a radio bait album instead of mainstream
This is such a random thing to even make an argument for like wtf lmao
It’s the feeling I been getting for a while and why I go at some of them
They are very weird when it comes to Kendrick in any way doing something for money and not to be the savior
Combined with a disgust of all mainstream rap which they basically view as all rap nor created by kendrick because look at them say something isn’t mainstream because of subject matter and jazz