Also looking for more podcasts in general. Really been enjoying rev left radio. Any reccomendations?
Eyes Left is solid too.
Also looking for more podcasts in general. Really been enjoying rev left radio. Any reccomendations?
About to try this
useful idiots
bad faith
krystal kyle and friends
Bad faith lmfao
I don’t really listen anymore s***s kinda boring
That’s good because Briahna Joy Gray is the biggest grifting clown of all time
That’s good because Briahna Joy Gray is the biggest grifting clown of all time
virtually anyone who runs political podcasts for their primary "career"/income is a grifter. it's not inherent per-se but ive really yet to see someone who isn't. Krystal is basically the only one to me who seems genuine, maybe Kyle as well but he goes back and forth with stuff a lot. Even people like Jimmy Dore who I don't dislike tend to 100% play up certain views and exaggerations for their audience
cushvlogs are pretty great but very dense. Christman seems to have the most sober (and sobering!) perspective on the current moment
JFK assassination episode out now
Didn't hit anywhere close as hard as Death is Around the Corner
Didn't hit anywhere close as hard as Death is Around the Corner
Oh of course not. But it’s more digestible to an audience that is unaware of many of the details. It debunks the official narrative and certainly makes the listener want to look into it more
Oh of course not. But it’s more digestible to an audience that is unaware of many of the details. It debunks the official narrative and certainly makes the listener want to look into it more
Damn...fantastic way to put it and I agree
DIATC really do be bashing your brain in
haven’t listened to it in a while i gotta catch up my problem with podcasts tho are it’s harder to digest like i don’t remember or learn as much as i would when i’m reading
Also looking for more podcasts in general. Really been enjoying rev left radio. Any reccomendations?
Dave Emory's For The Record has archives up dating back to 2000. Pretty dry, but the material is excellent and well sourced. His 25 part interview with James DiEugenio on the assassination of JFK is less dry and really extensive. That's a good place to start.
virtually anyone who runs political podcasts for their primary "career"/income is a grifter. it's not inherent per-se but ive really yet to see someone who isn't. Krystal is basically the only one to me who seems genuine, maybe Kyle as well but he goes back and forth with stuff a lot. Even people like Jimmy Dore who I don't dislike tend to 100% play up certain views and exaggerations for their audience
Krystal gives me grifter vibes tbh and Jimmy Dore especially since covid
Kyle (even if I don't share his views) and Hasan seem like the only real big names who are genuine
Krystal gives me grifter vibes tbh and Jimmy Dore especially since covid
Kyle (even if I don't share his views) and Hasan seem like the only real big names who are genuine
I dunno if I'd say Krystal strikes me as a grifter; she's pretty clear in her principles, I think she's just very moderate and her politics are very by the numbers. I don't think that necessarily makes her a grifter though - it makes her a poor advocate for issues which require radical solutions but I don't think I've ever gotten the vibe from her she's insincere or anything.
Kyle is definitely genuine similarly but I think he stumbles a lot because he can't necessarily keep up with the political landscape despite him having a lot of beliefs he clearly is sincere about.
Dore has gotten a lot worse over time. I don't think he started out as one and I haven't really watched his content, but I checked him out again recently after not seeing him for like 2 years and his content is like maximum grift now. The front page of his youtube channel is legit just InfoWars level clickbait. I thought he was a good advocate for some issues in the past so it sucks to see him go so far that way.
I'm biased against Hasan so I won't give any comment on him lol
I dunno if I'd say Krystal strikes me as a grifter; she's pretty clear in her principles, I think she's just very moderate and her politics are very by the numbers. I don't think that necessarily makes her a grifter though - it makes her a poor advocate for issues which require radical solutions but I don't think I've ever gotten the vibe from her she's insincere or anything.
Kyle is definitely genuine similarly but I think he stumbles a lot because he can't necessarily keep up with the political landscape despite him having a lot of beliefs he clearly is sincere about.
Dore has gotten a lot worse over time. I don't think he started out as one and I haven't really watched his content, but I checked him out again recently after not seeing him for like 2 years and his content is like maximum grift now. The front page of his youtube channel is legit just InfoWars level clickbait. I thought he was a good advocate for some issues in the past so it sucks to see him go so far that way.
I'm biased against Hasan so I won't give any comment on him lol
What's your bias against Hasan